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We pull into the parking lot out the front of the devils maze and I hear River giggle nervously.
"You good?" I ask him
"For sure, we're setting up a tent in there tonight and I'm nervous but it's going to be so cool" he turns around to me to respond.

I stiffen in my seat at the thought of being in a tent in somewhere so haunted which gets Wyatt's attention.
"I promise it will be fun, terrifying but fun" he attempts to reassure me.
"Terrifying sounds so fun" I sigh nervously.
"Well let's go get some b-roll shots and get this show on the road." Ryan adds while getting out of the car.

We all follow suit getting out of the car one by one and gathering around the back of the car. Ryan and River start grabbing gear getting ready to film while Wyatt stayed behind to keep me company.

"How are you feeling?" He asks.
"I think I'm okay right now, but I'm sorry in advance if I get scared and become a little bitch." I laughed to myself.
"You'll be okay, as long as you remember at the end to tell them they can't come home with you everything will be fine" he smiled and pat my shoulder.

We make our way over to Ryan and River by the ticket booth when I watch Ryan go in.
"You wanna buy a ticket?!" Ryan says in a weird voice.
"What?!" River laughs, camera in hand recording his brother.
"You wanna buy a ticket? You want to buy a ticket for my carnival?" Ryan continues poking his lips through the small hole in the window.
I watch as Wyatt leaves my side and gets in behind Ryan sticking his hand out of the window.
"When did you get in there?!" River laughs panning to Wyatt. I couldn't help but laugh watching the boys be absolute goofballs.

Once they finally get out we start making our way into the maze. I stick behind them as they start walking through and Ryan walks straight through the corn. All I can hear is Ryan giggling and then River trips and falls on his ass into the corn.

"What did you trip on?" Ryan laughed.
"A cob? I don't know!" River laughed trying to get up. Wyatt started dusting off his back. "I was laughing so hard when you walked through there and I tripped on something." He kept laughing.

We all continued laughing as Ryan tries to stand the corn back up, which absolutely fails when it flops back down.

Once we've all cooled off we finally start the investigation. As Ryan starts talking we hear rustling in the corn, I felt my whole body freeze as I looked to Wyatt who was shocked at the sounds.

Ryan continues to explain the devices they have got with them and how they work when we all hear the music box start going off. I didn't know what else to do so I hid behind Wyatt causing him to giggle.

"Why is that so much more terrifying in here?!" River says, his voice trembling. We decide to make our way over to where the tent is to see why it's going off, it did not stop the entire walk towards it.

All of a sudden Wyatt's camera battery starts dying.
"Isn't that a brand new battery?!" I ask in shock.
"Yeah it is, they were all charged over night." River responds.

We continue to hear movement around us and I start to get anxious. This maze is so dark and we are the only ones here.

"I think we should use the app on our devices and see if they can talk to us." Ryan says pulling his phone out of his pocket. "If you can, I want you to talk into this device, use your words! We can hear you we know you're there."

Suddenly the REM pod by the tent starts going off.
"Can you speak to us!" Ryan asks.
'Can't' comes out of the phone.
"Okay but why does it sound like that and why is that going off?!" River asks pointing to the REM pod.

'HE WILL FIND YOU' is said through the device.
"That's all caps! That is all caps!" Ryan yells excited and shows us the phone.

My whole body remains stiff and my heart is pounding in my ears, I'm so scared already and we've only just begun.

Twin Paranormal: River x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now