Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry I was zoned out a little. Nice to meet the both of you."

"I thought you were deaf."

I gave Pierre a glare because that came out quite harsh. He gave me a sorry look back.

"I was yes. I got my surgery in Azerbaijan. So I'm still getting used to my... hearing?"

"Really? That's not that long. Did Charles help you pay?"

"No my father paid it actually."

"Then your father must be rich huh."

"Her father is Toto Pierre."

Pierre laughed until he realized he had been looking into the exact same eyes of Toto when looking at Lowen. His face was full of confusion and Kika seemed to have a hard time progressing as well.

"My father left my mom when I was 4. I didn't remember a lot from back then. My mom did everything to keep him away from me and when I met Charles I crossed paths with Toto. He seemed to remember immediately and he kind of had some features that looked like mine so I was quite convinced as well. He knew my full name and the nickname only my father had for me."

"Wow... your mother must be shocked you told her. Was she angry?"

"My mother died in 2015. I was on my own until I found Toto. Didn't have any family left. Now I do."

"I'm keeping my mouth shut from now on."

"Good idea Pierre."

I said my last sentence through gridded teeth as Pierre looked a little shocked mixed with guilt. Probably from bringing up all these subjects. Lowen and I went around the room making small talk with so many people. So many people kept complimenting Lowen for how beautiful she was and how well she carried her dress. Somewhere near the end of the night she grabbed my shoulder as she pulled her heels off.

"Do your feet hurt?"

"Like fucking crazy. If they could scream my ears would be peeping now."

"Wait a minute cherie."

I placed a kiss on her hair before I went outside and grabbed her white converse shoes out of the trunk of the Ferrari and went back inside making my way to Lowen. I handed her the shoes and she pouted at me.

"You brought shoes for me?"

"Mhm. Yesterday evening you couldn't keep up in heels so I figured you couldn't keep up tonight as well. It's quite dirty here so I wanted to make sure you could wear your shoes."

"But I don't have socks."

"They're inside cherie."

She pulled the socks on and then her shoes and laced them as I held her heels in my hand. She wanted to take them back but I didn't let her carry them. Any girl gawking at me could now see I was carrying Lowen her heels... okay so they might not know whose heels they are but I carry heels from a girl that isn't them. That counts. We had spend a little longer talking to people before we were asked to go to an interview together. We did go together and the first question the lady asked us was...

"Are you barefoot?"

Lowen chuckled and lifted her dress a little to show her shoes.

"He knew I couldn't keep up in heels a whole night so he brought my shoes even though I didn't know it."

"I couldn't let her walk barefoot in that hall. It's full of beer and wine and some shattered glass."

"That's so cute! So tell me Lowen. How come you're not deaf anymore. Was it faked?"

"Definitely not fake. I wish it was because that would have been easier but I got surgery for my hearing last week."

"How long have you guys known each other for?"

"I first met her in Monaco 4 maybe 5 months ago and now we're 1,5 month together as a couple."

"Wonderful. What's your favorite thing about the other person?"

"Lady's first."

"You're just fishing for compliments Leclerc. But I think that he puts so much thought into smaller things. Like bringing shoes for me."

"I would say literally everything but... if I had to choose... maybe... that you're so selfless."

"Selfless? I'm not that selfless."

"You are Cherie."

"And what's something you dislike about the other person?"

"He farts every time we enter an elevator. To make it worse... he does it on purpose."

"Wow that came out way too fast ma belle."

"I had that one ready."

"I don't like that she's multilingual. If she talks in her other languages I don't understand a word."

"I don't understand a word of your Italian so we're even there mister."

"Okay... then... I don't like... that you look fucking attractive in anything."

"So do you."

"No no no but you're next level. You could wear a clowns suit and still rock the shit out of it."

Lowen laughed and I felt her body vibrate against the palm that I had on her lower back. She's so cute when she laughs.

(1194 words)

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