Chapter 17 - Campfire

Start from the beginning

Mabel scrapped a wad of mud off her legs and pushed it down the back of Dipper's shirt. Dipper gasped and said, "That's it Mabel," Dipper snapped. He grabbed the hose from Wendy who protested. Dipper aimed the wand end at his sister as he narrowed the spraying end to a narrow stream. Mabel tried to run but did not get very far. She screamed as the cold water hit her. She hid behind Pacifica knowing Dipper wouldn't dare spray near her.

Dipper frowned before changing tactics. He raced around the table. Mabel wasted no time in running. She ran and then tripped in the deep mud and fell in. Dipper caught up with her panting. "Are you ok Mabel?" Mabel sat up but held the side of her head with a groan. Dipper instantly was at her side. "Mabel are you OK!?!" he said more urgently. As Dipper moved in closer Mabel's other hand came up swiftly clobbering him in the face with a muddy glob of rich clay and mud.

Dipper spit mud out while Mabel laughed herself into hysterics. Dipper wiped his eyes free barred white teeth at her in a stunning contrast to the dark grey mud. He dove at her tackling her onto the ground. Mabel and Dipper tumbled over on the dry ground somehow missing in the deep clay mud pit shallow next to them. Mabel tried to escape Dipper's bear-like grip. Normally she would have been done for. But given the viscosity of the slippery clay on her clothes and skin, she managed to squeeze out of his arms like a snared fish escaping a fisherman's bare hands.

Mabel ran laughing gleefully towards the trailer. Dipper lobbed clods of mud and clay at her with skilled precision. Mabel, being fleet of foot dodged every shot. She stuck her tongue out at him tauntingly to provoke him and then continued to laugh joyfully. Even Pacifica and Wendy were laughing.

Dipper aimed a high arcing shot towards her trying to reach her at long range. Unfortunately, Dipper's aim had been off. With a sickening squelch, the clod of mud splatted on the picnic table Pacifica was on showering her with filthy gray clay mud. Pacifica gasped in horror, stunned for a few seconds. It didn't last long.

Her eyes blazed over like twin infernos. "Dipper Mason Pines!" she shrieked. She marched over to him and stood next to him...well more like under him given their one-foot disparity. Dipper knew he was in real trouble now. "Um...yeah sorry Paz. My bad," he said scratching the back of his neck nervously. Dipper knew it sounded lame but was not sure what else to have said.

Pacifica brought one quivering accusatory finger up in front of his face. Mabel and Wendy were snickering nearby. Pacifica said, "You are paying for my spa day! Look at my nails Dipper! They are ruined." Her voice squeaked unintentionally.

Wendy and Mabel were trying not to lose it and laugh too loud. Pacifica now grinned with malice as an idea struck her like wildfire. Her voice took on a dangerously soft tone. "Better yet, you are going to be my servant for the rest of the day. If I require a refreshment you will fetch it for me. If I need you to block the sun with your," she shouted the next part, "OVERLY-SIZED STUPID BIG BRAINED HEAD I'll expect you at my beck and call."

Dipper sighed knowing what he was resigned to. He knew it was like fighting the tide trying to argue with Pacifica. This was going to be brutal. Then he thought about it more. He would be spending more time with his friend he had missed all year back in Piedmont. Perhaps it wouldn't all be bad.

Dipper relaxed and put a hand out to shake with hers. "Fair enough," Dipper said taking her by surprise. She took his hand searching his eyes skeptically for guile or deceit. She was surprised by his response as he genuinely shook her hand.

Pacifica smirked and said, "As my first decree-"

Dipper said, "Yeah yeah get you a towel to clean off." Pacifica shook her head no. She pointed to the mud on her legs. "Wipe it off." Dipper tried to use his hands but just spread the mud. Pacifica rolled her eyes. Dipper took his shirt off and used it to wipe her legs. Dipper had expected some witty remark or snarky comment but when he looked up at Pacifica her cheeks had tinged pink. Dipper realized he had taken his shirt off in front of her and blushed now too. "S-sorry." He said going to put it back on.

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