He was cutt off by Mrs.kim who hit his head with an annoying expression.

Mrs.kim: yaaa idiot why are you shouting this early it's still 7:30 in morning.

Taehyung: *pout* everyone is late did they forget that today is my weeding.

Mrs.kim: it's still early but wait are you coming in this attire. I yess them I am not leeting you marry my daughter.

Taehyung: whah mom she is not even entered the house and you give her my position it's not fair. *Fake crying*

Mrs Kim: oh god this kid. *Face palm* go and get ready you are still in your night ware. And don't call Y/N she will be busy getting ready.

Taehyung: *realise* oh yess I am going but don't be late mom it my weeding today bye bye...... *Left*

Mrs.kim: ashhh this love sick boy.... *Chuckled*

In Taehyung bedroom.
He intered inside his room singing song.

Taehyung: today is my weeding..... Today is my weeding....... But wait today will be my first night too...... *Blushing and took his drees* today is my first night... My first night.....  Oh Taehyung let's get ready first otherwise mom will kill me you have to see your grandchildren too...

He ran inside washroom to get ready ....

Time skip ......

Mrs.kim: ash this boy now everyone is here he himself is late now. *Sign*

Taehyung: I am here mom *proud smile because he was looking very handsome*

Mrs Kim and others look at him with wide eyes who was coming down from  stairs. .

Taehyung look.........

(Ignore the face guys)

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(Ignore the face guys)

Jin: you look very handsome tae.... *Open mouth* but not more then me. *Flip hairs*

Mrs.kim: ok ok let's go we are late.

Taehyung: but where is dad.??

Mr.kim: *came from upstairs* here son let's go.

Everyone left from there. Now everyone was standing outside for barat.

Taehyung sat on horse. Music started and all started dancing with the rythem. It was jimin, Jungkook, jin, Aara, ishan, mr.kim, Mrs Kim, Mr.park, mrs.park, Mr.jeon and Mrs.jeon. 

Taehyung: WOW TODAY IS MY WEEDING. ........

Everyone laught at his excitement and started enjoying themselves.

Jimin look.........

Jimin look

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