p a r t e i g h t

Start from the beginning

"Or maybe just surprise them." Sammy nodded, rolling his eyes at the second option.

"Oh that reminds me," I pointed at them both, "don't let me forget to schedule an appointment while I'm there. I gotta see our medical team, and then I have to talk to coach and update him about everything."

They both nodded, "will do." Sammy sighed.

"How you feeling about all of this?" Vince asked, motioning towards me. "All of what?" I tilted my head, setting my mug down.

"Like.. knowing you could come back in a month." He nodded. "Oh I'm ecstatic, I can't wait," I shook my head, "especially with playoffs starting in a couple months, and me being pretty much done with college, I feel like I'm in such a great spot at the moment and I'm so excited." I giggled.

"You're comeback story is gonna be insane." Sammy laughed, shaking his head.

"This is where we win the Cup too, just so she can go on about how we need her." Vince laughed as well, the two high fived each other and kept talking.

I just listened to their conversation about me, not bothering to say anything else.

— — —

"Oh my god, let me show you the gift shop!" I giggled as I turned around to face them.

"Lead the way." Vince nodded.

We had been sitting in the airport for an hour, our flight was pushed back another hour, meaning we didn't have to leave until seven.

We decided to hang out for a little bit, and go to the small shops around the airport.

"Look at the tiny Space Needle!" I smiled, holding it up to show the guys.

"Okay that's actually kinda cute." Vince breathed a laugh as he took it from me. He showed Sammy and he took it from Vince.

"I think we need matching tiny Space Needles." Vince nodded, sarcastically. Sammy laughed and pushed his shoulder, "don't!" He shook his head.

"We definitely do." I nodded as well, taking the tiny object from Sammy's hand and picking up two more.

"I was kidding-" "Too late, we're getting them." Shaking my head, I carried them around the shop, giggling when we finally checked out.


I held them up, showing the guys for what felt like the millionth time.

"Kay, we've seen them," Sammy sighed, "we even have our own."

"Way to rain on my parade." I rolled my eyes and turned back around, leading the way around the airport until our flight boarded.

Vince pushed Sammy's shoulder, shaking his head as he leaned towards Sammy and whispered.

"Dude.. she's happy, leave her be."

Sammy looked at him and raised his eyebrows, "are you- woah!" Vince shook his head again, "shut the fuck up."

Sammy just laughed, patting Vince's shoulders. "Good fucking luck, I already tried." He whispered.

Vince looked at him confused, "what?" "You think you're the only one who had feelings for her?"

Vince just stopped, his face dropped when he turned to look at his friend. "Wait, are you-" "I'm serious."

He sighed, Sammy patted his shoulder again, "just to keep the honesty going, Robby's got a crush on her too."

His heart broke, Vince couldn't believe it. He felt stupid for really believing that he was the only one on the team that liked her the way he did.


He was pulled from his own little world, looking over at the girl. "Hm?" "You okay?"

He just nodded, biting the inside of his lip as he looked at the floor.

Sammy had left to go to the bathroom, leaving the two alone in the awkward silence.

There was rarely an awkward silence between them, they'd always have something to say, or just sat there enjoying each other's company.

"You sure you're okay?"

He sighed, "I'm fine Kay, don't worry about it."

Before he realized it, she had laid her head on his shoulder, lacing her fingers with his own.

It killed him, but he laid his head on hers, and neither of them said another word.

— — —

"Guys!" Sammy's voice woke them, but he proceeded to shake their shoulders until they were awake enough to listen.

"They're boarding, we need to go, like now."

Vince sighed and stood up, grabbing his bag before holding his hand out.

I accepted it and stood up as well, "thanks." I smiled and grabbed my own bag, dragging it behind me as we walked away.

After we got settled in our seats, Vince and I ended up sitting beside each other again. Sammy got the window seat, and I sat in the middle, leaving Vince with the isle seat.

It didn't take long before we fell back asleep, Sammy just laughed to himself, shaking his head at how quickly we managed to do so.

— — —


Filler chapter, I cannot wait
to write the next one omg😭

Hope you enjoyed <3

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