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( xiii. late nights )

LATER in the night, sam is walking around the motel outside and sees cole sitting alone on a bench. the mills goes and sits with him, "hey, coleslaw." and that got his attention, "why aren't you hanging out with rachel and gar? wouldn't it be nice to hang with more people around your age?"

the boy just shrugs, "it's fine. they just have more stuff in common. kind of makes me feel like an outsider because i'm ordinary." cole doesn't get too emotional, ever since he found out his parents died, he just felt numb. yeah, he can laugh once in a while but it's one of the rare moments he's done. cole sets his head on sam's shoulder, "i can never seem to fit in anywhere. not really, anyways."

"hey..." sam says in a calm and gentle voice, "you are amazing in your own way. you're my best friend, and you're my family. and nothing is ever gonna change that, understand?" he nods slowly as the woman brings him into a hug, "i'm not gonna push you into doing something you don't want. do it on your own terms." samantha gives him a kiss on the temple before walking off to smoke a cigarette by herself. kory walks over to her and strikes up a conversation immediately, "he's a good kid. a very smart one."

the anders than adds, "you're a really good caregiver, you know that? not just with him, but with rachel."

"yeah..." sam nods her head, "she's a good kid too. and it's nice to see her be a kid for once. to feel normal."

"what i saw back there was not normal." kory tells her. sam just shrugged, "well then, why do you think they're after her?"

"i think it has something to do with that prophecy that i found on my wall."

"she's gonna bring about the end of the world?"

"or stop it."

"i don't know, honestly. people do make up stories about things they don't understand." the mills says, "sometimes people make up stuff and it's.... scary to tell what's true or not."

"maybe... that doesn't mean the people after her won't kill to get her." and sam frowned a little bit, "those kids are gonna have to learn to fight for themselves."

"they're just kids." and the black haired girl just sighed, leaning her up at the sky. she throws her cigarette down on the ground and stomps on it, "i was a kid once, obviously. and i don't want these kids to be like some weapons like i once was. and i know that grayson thinks the same way, i know him... and i've been him. once you learn to see the world that way, you can't unsee it. not ever."

kory didn't wanna pry more, she was just being gentle with the conversation without making sam too upset, "look, i don't know how your childhood was, it's your business and not mine. but, whatever happened has affected you and still does now."

"yeah, well i'm not the type of person that opens up. you can try prying from grayson, but not me." the mills leans against the wall. covering her face, sam takes in a deep breath, "i would just rather not talk about it."

kory chuckled a bit, "gosh, you are so secretive."

that made samantha playfully scoff at that, "you're not exactly an open book yourself, you know?"

"i don't know who i am." kory reminds her, "you and dick are afraid to let people know who you are. there's a difference."

the mills just sighed, "for dick, that's his business. if you wanna go bother him, go right ahead. but for me, i'm just still trying to figure myself out, and that's that. 'cause sometimes there's a part of me that doesn't even know who i am either."

𝐒𝐍𝐎𝐖 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋, titansTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon