Prologue: Hope's peak, here we come part 3

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"Oh uh yeah, I did"

"Fits your outfit!"

"Alright shuvi" another voice said "give him some space"

"Okay okay, I will" Shuvi moved away

"Oh hi Ed" Seara greeted

"Hi seara" Ed greeted back

"Seara! San!" we both turned, Kiara and Sanera came up to us

"You came!" Sanera said

"Can you believe it? Almost everyone is here" Kiara stated

"So I heard" Seara said

"Who's missing?" I asked

"I think kinro?" Kiara answered

"And Ayami" Nera added

"Hi everyone!" a female voice said from the top of the stairs 

"Nice to see ya miss Ayami!" Shuvi greeted "You too kinro"

"What? Are we at a funeral or something? Why do we all have to wear black?" Lynn asked

"I mean, I don't expect you or anyone else to bring an outfit for these kinds of occasions" Ed shot back

"Hey, man! You could go back upstairs" Sky shouted

"I was answering the question, no?"

"But it didn't have to be so aggressive"

A bit of silence had flooded the room before Shuvi came in

"Now now everyone! Let's calm down. Remember, we're here to get to know each other more and congratulate ourselves for making it in"

"He's right" we all yelped again "For Pete's sake, does a two-sided bear really scare you?"

"You keep just showing up out of nowhere" Kiara said

"Are you a magician?" Nera asked

"Huh, I never thought about it" The bear titled before shrugging "Nope, I'm not a magician"


"But I'll give it a try sometime. Anyways, help yourselves! Drink, Eat, I don't care, Just don't get too close to each other" the bear said before walking back upstairs

"Well, I'm helping myself to the drinks" the blonde girl said

"You don't mind sharing, do you?" Shuvi asked

"Get your own" she responded before drinking out of the bottle

"Hmph, rude" Shuvi whimpered before grabbing another bottle.

"I'm grabbing a drink too!" Mitsuru announced

"Pardon, but you're Yuna right?" seara asked

A sense of fear blew past me as I was worried if seara was gonna get attacked or not but I tried to ignore it, she wouldn't hurt her, everyone is watching, she couldn't.

"Yeah? So what?" Yuna responded

"It's nice to meet you" Seara said

"If you're trying to be friends, the answer is-"

"I wish you the best of luck on surviving this game"

Yuna was silent for a bit as she stared at her. She then tilted her head to the side

"You're an odd one" she said before putting her hand out "Well then, good luck to you as well"

Seara shook her hand, I sighed in relief.

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