Chapter 10: A Wolf Shot to Far.

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A/N: This chapter was written when I was drunk again. Also Arc 2 has begun writing.

As Zay and Dan arrived at the warehouse, they saw Kamen Rider Horobi holding his Attache Bow and aiming it at a figure dressed like Jason. They were confused and concerned, not knowing who this Kamen Rider Horobi was or why he was attacking Jason .

Before they could approach him, Kamen Rider Horobi fired an arrow from his bow, hitting the scarecrow and destroying it. Zay and Dan were stunned, unsure of what to do or say. Zay then raised her Progrise Key, ready to transform into Kamen Rider Zero-One, while Dan held his own key, ready to become Kamen Rider Vulcan if needed.

"Who are you?" Zay asked, her voice firm and determined.

Kamen Rider Horobi turned his attention to them, his mask hiding any expression he may have had."I am here to protect you," he replied in a cold tone.

Zay and Dan exchanged a confused look,not understanding what he meant. "Protect us from what?" Dan asked, his hand still on his Progrise Key.

"From those who wish to harm you," Kamen Rider Horobi said, his tone still unyielding.

Zay stepped forward, ready to confront him. "And who are those people? Do you know who they are?"

Kamen Rider Horobi remained silent for a moment before finally speaking. "I cannot reveal their identities, but I can assure you that they are a threat to your safety."

Zay and Dan exchanged another look, unsure of what to make of this strange Kamen Rider who seemed to be protecting them. But they knew they couldn't let their guard down and had to be prepared for any situation. With that in mind, Zay raised her Progrise Key and transformed into Kamen Rider Zero-One, while Dan followed suit and became Kamen Rider Vulcan.

Zay swiftly switched between her Progrise keys, starting with Biting Shark, then Flying Falcon, and Flaming Tiger before finally stopping at Hell Rising Hopper. She could feel the surge of power coursing through her as she locked in the key.

Meanwhile, Kamen Rider Horobi had retrieved the Fighting Jackal key from his Attache Bow and inserted it into the slot on his waist. The key began to glow, and he aimed his bow at Zay and Dan.

"Who are you? And why are you holding that bow at us?" Zay demanded.

Kamen Rider Horobi didn't answer. He simply fired a shot at Zay and Dan, but they dodged it easily. Zay retaliated with a barrage of kicks and punches, each one delivered with precision and force.

Kamen Rider Horobi was skilled in combat, however, and was able to deflect most of Zay's attacks with his bow. He fired a few more shots at Zay, but she was too fast, darting and dodging around the warehouse.

As the fight raged on, Zay noticed something odd. Kamen Rider Horobi seemed to be holding back, as if he didn't want to hurt her or Dan. This confused her, but she didn't let her guard down.

Finally, after a few more minutes of intense fighting, Kamen Rider Horobi seemed to have had enough. He fired one last shot at Zay and then turned and ran, disappearing into the shadows of the warehouse.

Zay and Dan were left standing there, catching their breath and trying to make sense of what had just happened.

Kamen Rider Horobi charges towards Zay and Dan with his Attache Bow in hand. As he gets closer, Zay switches between Biting Shark, Flying Falcon, Flaming Tiger, and finally ends up with Hell Rising Hopper.

Kamen Rider Horobi then inserts the Fighting Jackal key into his Attache Bow, causing it to transform into the Jackal Blaster. Zay and Dan ready themselves for battle as Kamen Rider Horobi speaks, his voice deep and menacing.

Soul Saga ???: Kamen Rider Zero-One 01Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum