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A balding old man and his wife had been living in fear ever since the Daybreak Town incident. They had seen firsthand how the advanced AIs and Humagears could turn against humanity, and the devastation it could bring. The couple had always been cautious of technology, but after that day, they were outright paranoid.

Despite their fear, they lived their lives as normally as possible, trying to keep their anxiety at bay. But they couldn't shake the feeling that something terrible was going to happen. Their fears would soon be realized when a new threat emerged, one that sought to eradicate all Kamen Riders and destroy all technology.

The couple knew they had to do something to protect themselves and their community. But what could they do against such a powerful enemy? It was then that they stumbled upon an old device, a relic from a bygone era. With its power, they hoped to summon heroes to fight against this new threat.

And so, they set their plan in motion, hoping that their call for help would not go unanswered.
They activated the device, unsure if it would even work. It was an old communication device that had been used to summon Kamen Riders in the past. The couple had found it in an old abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town. They had heard rumors about the device and decided to investigate. As they turned it on, they hoped that it would be able to reach someone, anyone who could help them. They waited anxiously for a response, not knowing if they would get one.

Suddenly, the device started to glow, and they heard a voice coming from it. It was faint at first, but it grew louder and clearer with each passing moment. They could hardly believe it, but they had actually managed to reach someone!

The voice on the other end of the device told them that they would send help, but that it would take some time. They would have to be patient, but the couple didn't mind. They were just grateful that they had found a way to call for help.

And so, they waited, hoping that the Kamen Riders would arrive soon to save them from the impending danger.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they saw a bright light shining in the distance. As it grew closer, they could see that it was a group of Kamen Riders, ready to battle the rogue Humagears.

The Kamen Riders were able to defeat the Humagears and bring peace back to Daytown. But the incident left a lasting impact on Leon and his wife. They couldn't forget the terror they had felt, and they couldn't shake the fear that it could happen again.

From that day forward, they made a promise to themselves to do everything in their power to prevent another Daytown Incident from happening. They devoted themselves to studying the ways of the Kamen Riders, hoping to learn how to protect themselves and their community.

As they trained, they heard rumors of a new threat. A group of villains, bent on destroying all technology and bringing about a world without Kamen Riders, were making their move. They knew they had to act fast to stop them before it was too late.

And so, Leon and his wife set out on a mission to find the new Kamen Riders and help them in any way they could. They didn't know what the future held, but they were determined to fight for a world where people could live without fear of technology turning against them.

As they set out on their mission, Leon and his wife knew that they had a lot of work to do. They would need to find the new Kamen Riders and help them hone their skills, while also preparing themselves for battle against the new threat.

But they didn't do it alone. They reached out to other members of the community who shared their vision for a safe and secure world, and they formed a group of allies who would work together to defeat the villains.

Together, they would face countless obstacles, but they never wavered in their determination. They trained hard, learned from their mistakes, and built a strong bond of trust and friendship.

Soul Saga ???: Kamen Rider Zero-One 01Where stories live. Discover now