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Rosetta's POV

rrriiiggrrrriiiiiiiitggg her alarm rang. She stretched her arm took the alarm and throw it at the wall, she got up from her lying position and sat on the bed. She looked on the ground and saw her broken alarm clock.

" Damn!! I did it again" she signed.

She went to the bathroom and did her business. She brushed her teeth and then she took her bath. She came out and then she went to her closet, she took out her outfit and dressed for work.

She work as a waitress in a cafe nearby cafe, although the pay is not enough but it's still better than nothing.

She graduated few years ago, but job is hard to find and that's why she is working as a waitress.

She hates working there, her boss Is a pervert. But she has no choice she needed the for her mom's surgery. The surgery is in two month and she had not yet gather half of the money. She signed.

She walked to the dinning table and saw her mom and her brother already seated.

"Good morning mom" she greeted her mom. "Morning darling her mom answered.

"Good morning toad" she greeted her brother. Liam frowned at her and said

"I'm more handsome than your boyfriend, oh wait you don't have a boyfriend" he mocked her.

Rose glare at liam and she took a bacon from her plate and threw it at him, liam slide to the left and the bacon missed him. He stick his tongue at her. "Asshole" she curse him under her breath, mrs collins heard her

"young lady mind your language" mrs collins warned her, She pouted.

"She drank her tea then she stood up "bye mom" she waved at her mom. She knock her brother's head and ran out. Mrs collins shook her head.

Xavier Knight Pov

He got up from his bed and went to his walk in closet and took out his joggers. He went to the gym and started working out.

An hour later he was done and he went to his room and took a shower. He walked to his closet and took out his armani suit and wore it, then he wear his rolex watch. He went outside and he was greet by maids.

🗣️ Good morning sir

🗣️ Good Mr knight

🗣️ Good morning sir

He ignore all their greetings and went to sit at the dinning table. "Where is Aiden" he asked the maid that was serving him. "His nanny is getting him ready for school sir" she answered him, he nodded his head.

Few minutes later the nanny came down with him. "Good morning champ" xavier said and peck his forehead. "Morning dad" Aiden replied softly with his cute voice.

Aiden is very quiet, he doesn't talk much. Even at school he is always quiet. He yearn for the love of a mother, his colleagues always talk about their moms. They always talked about how their moms always bake cookies for them, how they always read bedtime stories for them. He wanted all that too.

"Dad, where is my mom" Aiden asked.
Xavier's breath ceased, he clenched his hand and his face became colder.

"Ain't you late for school"? He changed the topic. Aiden face became sad because he knew his dad didn't want to answer him. He had ask his dad about his mom several times but he would always dodge the question.

The driver came in, he greeted xavier and he took liam to school. Xavier too stood up and went to his car. He was still angry, he went inside his car and his driver drove away.

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