Chapter 29: Apologies & Confrontation

Start from the beginning

I finally reach the park house and jog upstairs to change quickly, making sure Enza sent me the information he promised before heading back down.

Hading needing just a bit of privacy today, I had Jessie sleep through most of it, but I let go of the now unfamiliar reigns, Jessie immediately stirring at the release.

'Keeping secrets are we?' He teases and I breath a sigh of relief, a part of me was a little worried he would be upset about the matter.

'That's for me to know and you to find out.' I spit back, our usual banter having slowly coming back over time. While I had always been a bit standoffish and suspicious as a child, unsure of my role in others narrative, Jessie was the only person I felt like I could be myself with. With the exception of Cassie of course, but with Jessie, he could actually read my thoughts and see my experience through my eyes and his. There's an understanding and connection there that I had forgotten over time with years of neglect.

Something I remind myself daily now, not to take for granted.

Because there are some rouges or Hybrids who, for whatever reason, stopped shifting, or never learned how to. And if that wolf soul is blocked or shut off for too long, the wolf can lose its will to live and pass on to the Eternal Forrest, leaving the Super unable to shift and a void where their wolf once was.

We've all learned about it in school, heard the tales of it growing up. But now, now that I've forced myself out of my self righteous resentment, I see just how close I may have been to losing him forever. Killing the other half of me, stealing him away from James and Sloan to love. So the guilt still eats at me, but I try every day to make up for it. And I hope one day you will.

'You don't have to try so hard. Just hold on, and don't let go.' Jessie offers and I pray to Celeste that I never fail him again.

The sun is warm on this Thursday afternoon, and I mentally count the days until my birthday. Only nine more days until I turn eighteen and confirm the next phase of my life.

Walking through the pack is differnt to me me. I recognize faces, and put a face to a story. I see little Abigail, a young wolf who gets dropped off at the Home for daycare, the little four year old an avid helper snack distribution.

A month ago, I felt like a robot, going through the motions of life without any real goal or direction. But now I can see my life changing before my eyes towards everything I never dared hope for.

I'm making my way towards the Warrior Academy, on the other side of the village of shops in the middle of the pack. I'm passing by a grocery shop when suddenly a wolf steps out in front of me, and I stumble to a stop barely avoiding a collision.

'What the hell?' Jessie questions already on high alert. I take a step back and stop short when I see Jessica, James' ex girlfriend.

"Uh, something I can do for you?" I question, highly annoyed with being stopped, knowing now I'll be avoidably late.

She seems shocked by my candor, but she tried my patience the moment she fucked with my schedule.

"So how long was he cheating on you with me for? Did he tell you the same things he told me? Cause if so, save yourself the trouble and leave now. He's nothing but a liar. He told me he was too busy with the pack and school to have a partner. So what makes you so goddamn special?" She asks and I realize that she left early the day of the Pack Run. Alex had mentioned later that she left right after Richard grabbed me.

My anger lessens a little as I recognize the pain and anger within herself, desperately reaching out for answers when I'm sure she knows nothing will make it better.

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