Chapter 19: Doctors & Realization

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Cody's POV

I sit in the sterile smelling room, hating the way the smell of alcohol burns my nose, the bed I'm sitting on hard and uncomfortable. Lining the walls are posters. Maternity and Paternity advice and hotlines, healthcare options and different types of common diseases that can spread through Supers. And I notice that every single poster has only pure breed Divine Children posing in the pictures, even the Q&A when I came in requested me to define my Hybrid status, allowing me to claim Werewolf when they realized the other half is human.

The experience left me feeling slightly uneasy and more than a little tense as I wait for my doctor to come, praying that they're anything but an Angel-Faerie, the nurse that lead me here being one too many, the three inch difference between us felt like a stifling meter.

The bright lights overhead the uncomfortable table are stifling and overbearing seeming to pierce my skin with their inflexibility. There's a couch and desk on the other side of the office, Supernaturals preferring to be nice and thorough getting everything checked off the list at once.

By the time there's a faint knock on the door, I want to smash every tiny little light and plug my nose to escape the harsh chemical smell.

"Come in." I offer before the most elegant woman I've seen in my life comes in. With her pointed ears, purple eyes and beautiful lethal smile I immediately identify her as a mind Faerie.

"Hi, Cody, my name is Iris and I'll be examining you today. Can you answer some questions for me while I check on your heart, mind and mana points? Then I want to review your family history and I'll try to see if we can get these questions answered." She tells me and it puts my mind at ease knowing what to expect, also grateful that I had the foresight to bring the folder Zee gave me.

"Okay." Is all I say, my voice soft and quiet compared to the abrasive yelling of the overhead lights.

As if she notices me squinting at them she offers to dim the lights which I'm quick to accept, grateful when the overhead lights are shut off only two large lamps are lighting the room. My shoulders instantly relaxing now that the assault to my eyes is over. If only she could do the same to my nose.

"Okay, Cody I'm going to have you stand here in the middle of the room as we get started." She tells me before pointing to a mark on the floor, she instructs me to raise my arms out and spread my legs and I comply, my hands sweaty and slightly shaky, unsure what to expect.

First she placed her hand on my heart as if feeling for the beats and its strength. "You're seventeen years old correct?" She asks me and I nod. "When is your birthday?"

"Three weeks from now." I tell her, unable to believe it myself.

"Have you ever experienced things or shown behaviors that you believe aren't comparable to your peers?" She asks and I think about it, little moments in my life flickering through my mind, her hands come up on either side of my head and her eyes closes as if seeing the images herself. "What is daily life like for you?" And again, it's not that she expecting me to answer, she gathers all the information herself. I'm grateful that Faeries have always been on the right side of things. I can't imagine the terror chaos and fear that a Mind Faerie can achieve with just their bare hands and a little mana.

"Any significant events happen in your life? What are things you struggle with? What are things you enjoy?" The questions go on for another ten minutes, her hands acting as amplifiers her every being seeming to be listening to mine.

Once she's done questioning me about myself she instructs me to sit down on the couch and goes to ask me about my parents and family, but instead I just hand her the folders.

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