Chapter 9: Hangouts & Information

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Cody's POV

I waiting on the curb down the driveway from the pack house, tracking my lyft on my phone as it approaches. I gnaw on my lip as I wait, anxious about going to the Faerie kingdom again.

I had only went once before, about a year or so ago when Taylor had invited me over for dinner to meet his brother. It was the most overwhelming and stressful experience of my life. There were too many people and too many names and titles to remember, too many unknown foods and textures with too many silverware options. Too much judgment and worrying over outfits and aiming to be politically correct. Not to mention the sneers and looks of disgust over the fact that I was the only werewolf there. The whole ordeal just stressed and tired me out until I ended up leaving in the middle of the function, ignoring Taylor's calls on the way home.

A cowardly move, I know but the overwhelming feeling of everything happening all at once was enough for me to want to claw my ears off from the noise and scream at everyone to shut up.

Not exactly the best way to make first impressions

So instead I left, and after finding me the next day, Taylor apologized. He admitted that he should have known me well enough to know it wasn't a good idea and promises the day time he would invite me to his home would be at a time where I wouldn't have to deal with so many people and chaos.

And when he asked today, with Enza coming too no less, I felt like I had to at least give it a try.

Though, the moment things get out of hand, I'm running away

Finally the car pulls onto the street, coming to a stop in front of me. I confirm his name and license plate before getting into the car, sending a text in the newly formed group chat that I'm on the way.

I look out the window, watch as we exit the Autumn Falls pack and pass by the Winter Moon entrance, the huge forrest we share soon fading away into the background. Before long though, a different kind of forrest arises in the distance, it's trees brighter and alight with the earth magic that's found in all the Faerie Lands.

I look out the window and drink in the beautiful scenery, rolling hills and a beautiful lush forrest spread out ahead of us, a large beautiful lake to be seen in the distance. I'm holding my breath as he drive down the hill, the distant views disappearing over horizon once again.

I see plenty of signs on the road pointing towards the Faerie Town in the center of their territory, where Taylor told me there's a smaller Faerie version of downtown Kaulike. There's also numberous manors and mansions lining the distance, signs pointing to prestigious family names that have been Lords and Ladies of the court for generations.

I think about how different Kaulike must be from the human country that a lot of ideas like school and others things came from. I wonder how different it is in Alaria where the Supernaturals there have kept bordered closed and sealed off, not just to the human country but to us as well, claiming we no longer remember our roots. I shake my head of the random facts and rabbit holes my brain has found, focusing instesd on the fact that I have to be surrounded by condescending Faeries the whole time I'm here. The driveway we turn down is long and winding, the trees on either side adorned with flowers of all types. The scenery leading to the large manor is beautiful and I can't help the smile that crosses my face as my knee shakes.

Anxiety is in the background of my mind as the car approaches the manor. Even though I never actually got the chance to talk to his brother, he gave off this aura of grace and royalty and mine gives off anything but.

I worry about how I'm supposed to act in this place and making an ass out of myself, but before I can calm myself down or possibly even run away, we're pulling to a stop in front of the large beautiful manor. While the manor itself is still looking new and refurbished, the vines and flower growing along the side gives it a fairytale rustic feel to it that I love. Architecture and nature are two things that I've always enjoyed, and to see them so masterfully down together is satisfying in a way I can't express.

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