Crossover Episode

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—Beacon Academy—

Jake woke up today and did the same thing he does every morning...Made himself some coffee and checked when his class would start.

'Hmm... 2nd-period.' He thought and took out his scroll to check the news.

By all means, this looked like another typical Monday morning...

But as we all know, Jake's life can't be normal. Some crap always needs to come up and drag him into a crazy adventure filled with nonsense!

[God officially invited you to an event that will take place in the SCP verse.]

His system told him with the same tone of voice as one would have when talking about the weather.

Jake stopped what he was doing and stared blankly at his scroll for a moment.

"Who are we fighting? Chaos Insurgency? GoC? Some weird cult?" He questioned, his mind making him remember all the many organizations that were in that world.

[The SCP foundation]

It was an obvious answer, so obvious that Jake easily overlooked it.

"What did they do..." he sighed and reminded himself that the SCP foundation is not necessarily...good. More morally grey.


"It's a matter of perspective, really."

[Your perspective is wrong then.]

Jake shrugged, it wouldn't be the first time.

"Alright then! Guess I'm gonna join a raid on an SCP continent site!" he grinned and giggled excitedly. "So many fun things to steal...!"


[The infinite pizza box?]

"You know me so well~" Jake laughed and already started daydreaming about the endless pizza supply. "What's the mission?"

[Remember how I mention Manus a lot?]

An eyebrow was raised at that.

"The Crusader supreme and boogeyman of hell? Yeah, of course, I do! You can't shut up about him and refuse to explain anything you say when you mention him!" Jake said with an annoyed huff. "What about him?" he added, curious as to why the legendary Manus himself was brought into this conversation.

[He is trapped there, this is a rescue mission.]

"Heh." Jake let out a small laugh. "So maybe he isn't that tough after all." he replied and started going through his inventory to grab and equip all his combat gear.

[He is locked in site-19]

Jake blinked.

"Okay, I can't fault him then." After all, site-19 is the most secure site of the foundation, the sheer amount of reality anchors in it was enough to stop some of the most dangerous reality benders in that verse.

[So you're in?]

"Yeah, I can spare some time to go and smack some MTF or whatever else I'm about to fight."

[Teleportation in 3...]



"Hold up! Let me put my pants on first"


"Nononononono-!" Jake said in a panic as he frantically took his pants out of his inventory and began putting them on.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2023 ⏰

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