Prologue: the Makings of a Crusader

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God was sorting through all of the souls passing through to the afterlife when he noticed a soul with special attributes, he always loved dealing with these souls, so with a snap of his fingers the soul was brought before him.

He took it in his hand and critically analyzed it.


This is intriguing.

The soul before him was... different.

It possessed something rare, a certain drive, and affinity for chaos.

Yes, indeed this soul was perfect for that of a crusader. But first he needed a new body... hmm, one from remnant? No, too cliché. Hmm, this one certainly has an affinity for chaos, how about a child of Chaos? In truth, it would give him very few benefits, children of chaos had no innate physical benefits, instead they tend to master certain weapons with more ease.

God plucked a blank body and molded it into the proper shape, identical in form to the soul's previous body but with a few... tweaks to the bloodline. With that done he put the soul into the body and woke the boy up.

The boy awoke with a start clutching his hand to his chest looking for wounds.

The last thing he remembered was finding the nation destroyer and-

Why the hell is there a giant glowing man in front of him?

"Hello." The being spoke with power pushing the man back a seemingly infinite distance before being teleported back to his original spot.

"My apologies. I forgot to modulate my power. Hello Andy."

The man- Andy- was startled, but came to a conclusion on who he was speaking with.

"You're God."

God, for he was God, Laughed. "Indeed I am my child. Now, we have much to speak of, but I shall keep this brief, as I do not wish to alter your attention span. You accomplished much at the mere age of 23, having spearheaded an entire revolution. Do you remember how you died?"

Andy thought hard, but for the life of him, all he could remember of his death was intense pain in his chest. And flashes of a single man tearing through his men with a damn sword.

Andy shook his head, "Only flashes." God nodded, souls rarely remembered anything, and he had no intention of bringing those memories back until Andy was ready, however, he would need the rest of his memories to become a successful Crusader.

God snapped his fingers and all of Andy's fragmented memories came flooding back to him. Andy clutched his head as thousands of memories surged into his mind, he learned all there was to know about himself in a matter of seconds. Once he caught his breath, he stood.

"I still don't remember how I died but I think I know who killed me." Andy spoke looking at his hands. Now remembering what he had used them for in life.

God nodded, "As it should be, remembering one's death is horrific for a soul your age. Now, on to the subject at hand. I am going to make you into what is known as a crusader."

Andy was confused "You're going to give me a bucket helmet and send me to reclaim the holy land?"

God sighed, facepalming. He may come to regret this instead. "No, I'm going to send you across the multiverse in order to better it. Well multiverse isn't an accurate name for what it really is but for a mortal such as yourself it shall suffice."

Andy perked up at this, he had always been someone who would do what was necessary to better people's lives, being told he could do it on such a scale was... life changing.

He did have questions, lots of questions. "How exactly does this work? Where do you send me? How will I gain the strength to do this? Are there others like me? Can I work with them? Is there some sort of system I'll use to help me do what I need?"

God held up a finger "Just a moment and I shall answer your questions."

Andy closed his mouth and nodded. Once God was confident he would stay quiet for a while, he began his explanation.

"A crusader is someone who travels the multiverse to help others. In order to do this you will have a system. Every crusader's system is different from the other. Some are simple. Some are complex. And some are straight up sentient. Whatever it is will be automatically tailored for your benefit."

Andy nodded, so far he followed. God continued, "There are a few constants of systems: They all Provide you access to the shop, they all provide a method of gaining strength, and they all provide a way to travel to other universes. There is also the automatic removal of your physical limitations, which allows you to grow. Basically Crusaders are a more perfect form of humans, with a much higher cap for strength, speed, agility, intelligence, etc."

Andy spaced out a bit but still sort of understood. Finally God kneeled down to Andy's level and asked him a question.

"If you could go to any universe, with any one item, or power, where would you go?"

Andy thought for a while, before asking a couple questions. "Can I take an item and a power?"

God shook his head.

Andy thought some more before finally deciding.

"Send me to Mistborn, in Luthadel if possible, with the full length of Allomantic abilities."

God smiled and that was the last thing Andy saw before he was dropped in the middle of a street.

Andy looked around for a minute, seeing no one he recognized from the books he wandered the streets. He hoped he would find someone he knew from the series. After wandering for a long while he came across a shop. A carpenter's shop to be exact. He hoped beyond anything that this was the right shop and walked in. He was met with a fairly large man behind the counter. He looked up questioningly.

"You look like shit"

Andy was confused by the man's response, but when he looked at himself he could see why the man said that.

He wore his old military briefs, exactly as they were when he died. Torn to shreds and covered in blood, mostly that of his comrades, some of his own... and the remaining from the man who killed him.

"Ah, well. Right. I came here because I heard you had good work for mistings."

The man sighed and pointed at a set of stairs, "Take those, draw yourself a bath. I'll have one of my workers bring you some clothes and we can talk about work once you're clean."

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