3) Envy

26 3 1

You have that

But I don't

Maybe if I had

Then I won't

Complain as much

And do as I must

But maybe the lust

Is what cuts

The duty as such [1]

Bigger, better!

Bigger, but still bitter

Bigger, Get her!

Bigger, but still no love

Bigger, faster!

Bigger, but none to ride

Bigger, healthier!

Bigger, but still no more life [2]

It's always them

Never me

The heroes of the story

Anyone but me

They do good

They kill the beast

I do that

Then I'm a thief

They save one

Heroes of the night!

I save many

What a hypocrite! [3]

Why are you you?

Why am I me?

I put in more hours

Yet am still secondary

Why were you gifted?

And I wasn't

I put in everything I have

But still wasn't

Enough for your damned talent! [4]

Keeps getting the better of me

No matter how much I preach

Envy, this trap so sophisticated

This thirst of what others have, innate

I want to leave yet I can't

Looking at the guy with the latest wants

However much may I have

Its never enough 

Perhaps I am doomed

To feel this emotion, this boon [5] 

Short Poems VOL. 1Where stories live. Discover now