2) Love

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[1] Looking at you

I just might sue

The Lord All Mighty

For creating you, so sightly

A creature of the purest kind

Heart of gold with an inherent shine

Not a single dark thought in line

Hair softer than silk

Kindness spilling out the brink

A reddish tint through the cheeks

My love is immense and thus it leaks

[2] Love, so pure

Love, so immature

Love, too much

But as is such

That I hold back, in fear of too much

Just want to be with you

Through the old and new

However dark the night may be

However strong the tempest seek

However evil the world devolve

However ill their intentions call

To be with thee I yearn all night long

I wish I could shower you with all my love

In one intense rain, filling up to the curb

This world and still more

Because that is how I implore

And crave nothing in return

Just your sincere care

[3]A mere stare, over there

I felt this emotion so great

Overshadowing all rage and hate

Just something innate

Of highest purity and order

Something that takes away all teeter totter

Something no wealth could satiate

Something too immense to calculate

I wonder what it is about you that made

This wonderful primordial feeling escalate

[4] Such a weird proposition

To love someone or something without opposition

To make such outlandish claims

And love it with utter haste

Such is the nature of human

To be blinded by something common

To be swayed away like grain in wind

For love, sporadically imbalanced

[5] Your face is the light of my day

Your face is all its takes

Your face is all I need

Your face might just be

The thing that makes me

Happy, beyond reason

Against all odds I commit treason

And meekly repel this layer of gloom

And can fend any typhoon

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