Chapter 11 - Bunker

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After the talk with Headmaster, it is time for a change. A slow and mentally painful change. Converting back to being a Russian teenaged boy. No more voice change. No more dolling up. Cutting the extensions out of his hair. Everything. Getting off the hormones' and doing it in a supervised area. Now that Valera was going to be faded away and out of existence, it was a matter of time. Time isolated with classwork, a workout area to get strength back and anger out, and plenty of books. 

As (FN) followed Tatenashi she brought him over to the bunker. The Class President had been up to speed from Headmaster. From Russia having reckless I.S. pilots, possible war, and Russia wanting to betray her and bring war. "So, don't worry about lights. You control them. It will be a rough two or three weeks. But classes you will be able to see them. Just not having the ability to ask questions and get responses. Plenty to do as you adjust. Bed space, living space, kitchen area, gym, full bathroom, and meal requests you can ask when you have your check-ups during the day."

"Here I thought I'd be a prisoner." Replied (FN).

"I'm not finished with you ya know." Glared Tatenashi. "Guy's clothes will be down there too. So enough of the blonde mail order bride look and get back to your normal self. I got a hairdresser coming to see you in an hour. If I were you, wash up and get comfortable before she comes. You're a hot mess."

"Thanks for the tip. Anything else Lady Ka- I mean Tatenashi?" (FN) corrected himself.

"Pay attention to class. Vbride." She giggled.

(FN) shook his head with a smile. "Fair enough." Turning around as the door shut and this was now home for a while. No calls to or from anyone. No friends in or out. But suspicion far and from. With all that said, this was going to be difficult. Isolation is different with everyone. "I wonder how meals and daylight will be."

Following Tatenashi's orders he got into the bathroom to shower off. The scent of stress, adrenaline, Russian whore, and man stink would be awful for anyone giving a grooming service. Washing the hair really good and taking the voice changer off. A full facial wash twice to get all the pores clean, and to a fresh fine hotel quality soft and warm towel. Then dressed in some casual get up and waiting for the hairdresser. 

The metal door knocked and opened up. Presenting Headmaster and a friend of hers. Miss Orimura was going to be inside this haircut the whole time. Just to make sure things went smoothly and make sure the hairdresser wasn't uncomfortable. 

"So. (LN) is it? This is Runa. She will take out your extensions and give you back your normal hair. I know its been a while." Miss Orimura stood by as the hairdresser brought in a folding chair, an apron, and a zippered bag with her hair cutting supplies. 

"Okay. So after the extensions make sure the hair is at the right height and then a little clipping around the ears and have it all line up." Runa watched (FN) sit down and she put the apron on him. "Wow. This looks like a Greek God planted his hair on your head. I feel bad about this. But let's fix you up. Make you handsome."

"I'm all for it." (FN) closed his eyes and let the hairdresser do her thing. There were more questions and answers coming between Headmaster and her Russian student.

"So (FN) think Laura will like the new look?" Asked Headmaster.

"I hope so. It's just going to be different. But how's this whole new situation going to be? If, I'm what me and you call 'normal', what happens after?" A good question from (FN).

"There's a new dorm vacancy and you take Valera's place. She's a phantom. You got that?"

(FN) started to think. It made sense. These drugs and hormones created a different personality that was going to be gone forever. "Phantom. A piece of me gone forever." He watched the scissors starting to cut as his thoughts were processing. "And what happens when I get back to Russia? I'll go into a maximum security prison and be eventually executed."

"You didn't read the handbook properly. Students enrolled in this school have protection. Politics involving students are protected here and not involved in war. We almost had that problem with France. Except that always wave the white flag so they damn well knew better. And I have no problem having President, Orimura, and company helping a strike on Russia to make it look like abandoned land again."

"You mean like what they thought Alaska was until the American's found oil and hated one another ever since? Sounds about right." (FN) chuckled.

"A small laugh is getting you back on track. Your pissy in between phase will be down here and supervised if needed. Might even bring a surprise down once in a while depending on the behavior. How does that sound?" Offered Headmaster.

"Can't argue there."

"So, anything class related to help with? Or straight to the books for you after this?" Asked Runa.

"Get the hair off, change my shirt, catch up on classwork and maybe get a little punching bag. Hopefully the time goes quick." (FN) needed time to fly. "Wonder how Laura will see me afterwards."

(FN) closed his eyes and was appreciating that he can be who he was again. No more waxing. No more makeup. No longer going to be more chemical than anything. All what he wished for ever since he was able to pilot an I.S. unit. Eventually he opened his eyes and found himself with short hair. It had been so long. His head much lighter. His natural eye color. All of it. 

"I think your girl will be just fine. She's a cute platinum and doesn't know it." Runa gave him a mirror check and was going to clean up and be on her way. 

"If you need anything someone will check on you twice a day. That also includes requests for shopping. Food list and such. Don't go overboard, but we're here for you. Anything before we head out until dinner time to check in on you." Headmaster was out to head out.

"Wish me luck. I will need it." 


Not everyone can isolate.


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