welcome !!

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- - -  welcome to my haikyuu rp !it's been quite a while since i've had one of these posted but i recently watched all the way up to the end of the third season again

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welcome to my haikyuu rp !
it's been quite a while since i've had one of these posted but i recently watched all the way up to the end of the third season again..and it made me want to make a rp book!
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and it made me want to make a rp book!- - -

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1. tag me in the comments if i don't reply after a day or two. i tend to get distracted easily!

2. i'm fine with any type of rp..illit, lit..but if it starts to get repetitive then i will change it.

3. you can cuss- but please don't be every sentence.

4. try to keep the smut limited. i get uncomfy if i'm doing too much icky rps. when there is smut all characters WILL be aged up. they won't be in school anymore. because..no.

5. your oc allowed to have problems in their backstory, but if it is their whole personality i won't rp with them. if my oc is going through something, and yours basically takes the spotlight all the time then..

6. please don't send a starter until i accept your oc!

7. have fun! i know it's cliche but have fun! we're all here because we have the same interest in the same show
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 have fun! i know it's cliche but have fun! we're all here because we have the same interest in the same show - - -

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