"Well, figure it out. I like you like this though, whiney and lovesick. It affirms that I'm cooler than you."

Karina lay back on her couch and looked out her window. Even though it was night and they weren't turned on, she could see the dangling Christmas lights taunt her. If she were into blaming inanimate objects for her problems, those damn lights would be taking the fault.

A few months ago she was Karina fucking Yu. She did what she wanted, didn't really care too much about other people's feelings or opinions. Certainly didn't ever pine for anyone.

Winter changed that for her, with her kindness and her intelligence and adorableness. Karina had never met anyone who was so genuine, so wholly unimpressed with all of Karina's pretension, yet so wholly interested in who she was under all her airs.

And now she was here. A broken leg. A bruised ego. A little sexually frustrated. A little heartbroken.

Pathetic, really.

She wondered what Winter thought. Not for a lack of trying on Karina's part, but she hadn't heard from her in a week. Every text went ignored, every call went to voicemail.

Karina knew this much: she needed to apologize to her, to make it up to Winter for 1. Treating her like she was just someone that needed to be devoured and consumed, and 2. Her role in what culminated at the clinic last week.

But Karina wasn't good with words or expressing herself. (Especially considering how embarrassed she was. And she wasn't even sure Winter would talk to her after all the shit she'd put her through...)

Karina had never really done the big romantic, grandiose gesture for anyone, but fuck, she wanted to try for Winter. They were great together in ways she'd never thought she'd ever be with anyone. She just needed to talk to her. Talk. She needed to convince Winter that she meant well, that she was sorry, and that she was ready to do what she had to, to make this work.

The lights from a car driving past her house reflected off the Christmas lights, catching her eye.

That was it. That was her stupid, romantic gesture. A gift.

She took off her cast boot and put on her shoes (she had to dig up her other shoe from the closet) and threw on a coat. She grabbed what she needed from her shed, and dragged it to the front of her house. It dark out, and her leg felt unsteady, but she was at least sober this time.

She climbed up her ladder and started pulling down the Christmas lights.

It was never too late to take these down.

So, her leg hurt. It hurt badly. It was back in its cast, but it was probably not her best idea to do take her Christmas lights down without someone there to make she she'd be safe. But she did it, with just some difficulty.

And now she walked to Winter's apartment (it wasn't too far, it was just cold), forcing her leg to work, to not buckle on her. She tightened her grip on her backpack and made her way down the path to the building doors. When she reached the entrance, she typed out a text to Winter.

'I'm outside your building. Open up.'

She waited a few minutes, lighting up a cigarette to pass the time (she didn't really smoke much, but she felt the need to tonight). Then her phone rang.

"Hey, Winter. Wanna let me up?"

Winter's voice sounded annoyed. "Karina, are you crazy, it's 10 pm?! How did you get here?"

"I walked."

"Is your leg okay?"

She took a drag from her cigarette. "It will be when you let me up so I can sit down."

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