Chapter 3: Meeting an old friend

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With a smile on his face, Aaron breathed in that fresh earth air that he hasn't inhaled in quite a while. He stepped down from his ship as the yellow little sphere closed that hachet. Ochobot floated towards his best human friend soon after.

Upon noticing the flying sphere, the Ninja were intrigued, never having laud their eyes upon such a bot. Zane however was very excited seeing a robot with no recorded data.

"Check out that ship. It's so cool." Lloyd whispered excitedly to Cole and Kai, who too shared excitement upon seeing the large spacecraft.

"Hello, nice to meet you, I'm Aaron, and this right here is my companion, Ochobot." Aaron introduced himself with a smile while Ochobot waved his mechanical arm.

"Thank you, again, for this Aaron. I know that you are very busy." Wu said with an appreciated nod as he gave Aaron a warm hug which the man accepted.

As they broke the hug, BBB gave the wise old man some tea from Planet Lekres. "It's no problem at all, Master Wu, It's been a while since I last taught anyone." Aaron smiled as Wu accepted the tea.

Ochobot then float towards the Ninja who were trying not to stare so intently. That man looked so powerful. He looked strong, he looked stronger than any other opponent they have ever faced.

Ochobot floated near the Ninja as he gave them a quick scan. The Ninja were taken aback but they felt as if the robot showed no malice or was it intending to hurt them.

"May I ask what it is that you just do?" Zane inquired, his interest piqued.

"No need to worry! This is just a procedure. I was just scanning you for any health problems, injuries, scars and/or trauma." Ochobot explained, his mechanical voice sounding happy.

"I appreciate it." Zane nodded, however his interest could no longer be suppressed. "I hope you don't mind but may I ask what type of robot you are?" Asked Zane with curiosity.

Jay butted in. "Yeah! You look so cool! How are you floating? Are you like one of those space drones?" Jay bombarded the robot with questions, wanting to know more.

Before the lightning Elemental master could continue, his mouth was covered by his beautiful girlfriend, Nya. "Calm down, Jay. One question at a time."

Jay gave her a bashful smile and complied. "Hehehe, sorry."

Ochobot gave them a smile. "I am a PowerSphere. PowerSpheres give people certain powers that correspond with the said PowerSphere." Ochobot explained.

"That sounds so cool!" Exclaimed Kai. A robot that gives powers sounded so amazing! Imagine the posibilities!

"That's just like Zane, he's a nindroid." Cole pointed out. Though unlike a PowerSphere, Zane doesn't give away his power.

"What's your power!" Lloyd asked, interested and intrigued. He has never met someone or something like this before.

"Teleportation power." Ochobot answered happily.

Aaron, upon finishing his conversation with Wu, popped up beside them. "Ochobot is used for traveling around the galaxy more easily." Aaron said with a smile as he patted his life long companion's head.

The others nodded their heads, absorbing the knowledge. But with the appearance of Aaron, their attention shifted.

"Umm, Mr. Aaron, we know we're not supposed to question you or your powers but do you mind if we ask what certain elements you have?" Lloyd asks nervously, he has never met someone who could control more than one element so naturally he is very interested.

Aaron chuckled, finding their reaction anusing. "Not at all and please just call me Aaron or BBB." He smiled. "I control Lightning-"

Jay smiled with excitement. He heard from Master Wu that Aaron controlled RED lightning! He wanted to know more.


Lloyd flinched from his memory with Morro, that encounter leaving a bitter taste in his mouth.


Cole's ears perked up upon the mention of his respective element. He was really excited! To be honest, he couldn't control Earth without the scythe of quakes properly.


Kai grinned ear to ear, wanting to know whatever move Aaron's fire element can do. He wanted to grow strong and if learning under this man can help him then he is all ears.

"Water and its evolve form Ice-"

Both Nya and Zane look at each other with a smile and nod as they are very excited. Though, they could find it challenging as their elements are considered to be within the same category.

"Leaf, Light and Dark." Aaron finished, which did not go unnoticed by the Ninja. He then turned to Lloyd. "Lloyd, correct?"

"Yes, that's me." Lloyd said with a smile.

"There's not much I can be able to teach you about your powers-" He says apologetically.

Lloyd nodded with a hint of sadness.

"But I can be able to teach you more about perfecting your moves in combat." Aaron said with a smile.

"That will be helpful, thanks." Lloyd nodded with a slight smile.

Wu then led Aaron and Ochobot to their room in the dojo.

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