Chapter One

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I was entrapped with an intense feeling I had never felt before. My body was bursting with tingles and goosebumps rose onto every single inch of my skin. It had been the best feeling I had ever felt.

My eyes fluttered open and revealed a lean and muscle covered figure with his arms wrapped tightly around my waist He was pressed against me and I could definitely prove that he was indeed a male.

My arms slid over him and snaked their way to his jet black hair. Wait....Black? That's definitely NOT my mate's.

I couldn't make out many features, but what ever I could make out was drool-worthy. What the hell are you thinking?! You're already mated to someone you freaking idiot! I scolded myself mentally.

However, I kept my mouth closed and gulped as he leaned his mouth dangerously close to mine. The logical part of me was screaming to push him off. But somewhere deep inside I was giving up any restraints and submitting to the unknown man. I closed my eyes and awaited for his perfectly sculpted lips to ravish mine.

But that time never came.


I gasped in a breath and sat up in what appeared to be a hospital bed. An IV pole was attached to my arm and I panted as I looked around the room.

A tall, slender blonde with a breath-taking smile stared back at me with sad yet piercing blue eyes. I let out a breath of relief and stretched my arms to him as long as the IV let me.

He took me into his arms and I felt his warm embrace instantly soothe me. As he cradled me and kissed my forehead, I thought deeply to myself. What had those dreams meant? It wasn't the first I've had and they were all the same man. Ugh it was probably a sign I'm gonna be going into heat soon. I shrugged it off.

I looked up at my mate, Zach, and asked, "Where is everybody?"

Zach helped me up from the bed and answered, "About that, we have to step into the meeting room as soon as possible. The Alpha of this pack will explain this better than I can."

A nurse came in and helped me get situated and dressed. With that, me and my mate headed off into the meeting room. Zach abruptly stopped in front of the door, taking my hands as he faced me. "Your parents want just you to go in."

I nodded and walked through the door, finding both of my parents seated before a man raking a hand through his dark hair nervously.

I scrunched my nose up as I saw the crest on his jacket, The Silver Titan. We had learned to be civil, but that didn't make the disdain any less.

My dad turned towards me and cut to the chase. He had never been one to beat around the bush. "We want to forge an alliance with Alpha Hunter of the Silver Titans."

My jaw clenched and I nodded

I looked at my father, insinuating for him to go on. "This alliance, however, requires a female from our pack to be his Luna in return for help in the war against the rogues." I nodded, internally pitying the poor girl from my pack who would be forced marry a stranger.

Then my dad looked at me as if it pained him to say these words,

"Juliet, you are the future Luna of the Silver Titans."

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