23 | spring high qualifying rounds

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SAI'S NOTES: I have no excuse for ghosting this story for months. Maybe because the writer's block got to me and I couldn't even write a single paragraph. That, and I was busy the entire semester.

Anyhow, here's a new update as it has been seven (?) months since my last one. Happy New Year, everyone! I hope to actually finish this story this year because I plan to publish another story (I have lots in my drafts if I'm going to be honest.)


As the Spring High Miyagi Prefecture Qualifying Rounds loomed closer, the resolve of the Karasuno High team intensified. Their rigorous training regimen, meticulous skill refinement, and strategic planning were all geared towards securing victory in the upcoming matches against Ohgiminami High and Kakugawa High. Despite the heightened atmosphere, two members of the team, Nishinoya and his friend [First Name], managed to maintain an air of normalcy.

The revelation of Nishinoya's affection caught [First Name] off guard, and the libero, in turn, was startled by his own audacity. Swiftly dismissing the confession, Nishinoya retracted his heartfelt words. That's right, he took back his confession towards the girl.

"Huh?" [First Name], perplexed by the sudden turn of events, sought clarification, asking, "You like me?"

Nishinoya, grappling with the repercussions of his impulsive confession, released [First Name] from his grasp. As she turned to face him with confusion in her eyes, he felt the heat rise to his cheeks. He had blurted out his feelings without careful consideration.

"I, uhm," Nishinoya stammered, struggling to find the right words. His actions seemed uncharacteristic, and he questioned his own spontaneity. "I mean, I like you as a friend! That's right, as a person!"

[First Name] tilted her head and chuckled, "You're so weird, Yuu," she said, shaking her head. "Well, let's head to class, shall we?"

"Y-Yeah! Alright!" Nishinoya agreed, hastily collecting his belongings. "I better go!"

With that, Nishinoya fled from [First Name], leaving her to watch his retreating figure. She sighed, recognizing his discomfort with the situation. Although she sensed that he might not have intended to confess at that moment, she understood that Nishinoya might have felt overwhelmed by her directness. Dismissively, [First Name] returned to her class, choosing to act as if nothing had transpired. She valued their friendship too much to risk it over a premature revelation of feelings. If Nishinoya wasn't ready to share his true emotions, she's resolved to patiently await the day he felt prepared to do so.

Upon reentering the classroom, the girl was greeted by another teammate, Kageyama. Concern etched across his face, the raven-haired boy inquired, "You alright?" He had noticed the unusual distress in her demeanor, a departure from her typically focused composure. The girl took her seat beside him, offering a laugh to alleviate his worry.

"I'm fine, Kageyama. No need to worry about me at all. Something just happened out of the blue, and I'm still a bit shaken from it," she admitted. Despite a throbbing headache, she emphasized the importance of maintaining focus. "My head hurts a bit, but I can't let it affect my concentration, right?" She managed a reassuring smile.

"Yeah, you've got manager duties to fulfill," Kageyama remarked with a rare chuckle, catching her off guard with his display of humor.

"Ah, so you do know how to laugh," she teased, finding amusement in witnessing such an unexpected emotional response from the usually stoic boy. "And here I thought you were just a heartless kid."

In response, she received a playful smack on the head from Kageyama. Frowning at the sudden attack, she playfully pouted, "I have feelings too, you know. What do you take me for?" The setter rolled his eyes, seemingly unfazed. "Maybe you just show more emotions than I do."

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