22 | the years he spent alone

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SAI'S NOTES: I spent the entire day (not really) writing this chapter, and I think I did a good job with this. Do comment and interact, I love reading your reactions. With that, I hope you enjoy!


From a young age, Nishinoya Yuu was raised by his beloved grandfather, who played a vital role in shaping his character. With boundless energy and a fearless spirit, Nishinoya drew inspiration from his grandfather's presence. In the absence of his parents, his grandfather became his rock, the person he cherished above all others.

Nishinoya's admiration for his grandfather extended to his interactions with women. Despite his grandfather frequently bringing different women home, Nishinoya found no cause for concern. Instead, he saw it as a testament to his grandfather's charm and magnetism. Nishinoya believed that by observing his grandfather, he could learn the art of captivating someone's heart, just as his grandfather seemed to do effortlessly.

In that magical moment, Nishinoya's gaze fixated on the enchanting sight before him. Amidst the falling cherry blossom petals, a black-haired girl twirled and danced, her laughter filling the air and her eyes sparkling with pure joy. She adorned a crown of cherry blossoms, adding an ethereal touch to her already captivating presence.

Amusing. Beautiful. Enchanting.

For the boy, this girl was an epitome of these three words. Time seemed to stand still for Nishinoya as he found himself completely spellbound by the girl's allure. At just six years old, he had never experienced such an instant and profound fascination with another person. His young heart raced, and a faint blush colored his cheeks, though he remained unaware of it in his wide-eyed admiration.

The girl's graceful movements and carefree spirit resonated deeply within Nishinoya's soul. He couldn't tear his gaze away from her, his own sense of wonder and delight mirroring hers. In that unexpected encounter, amidst the whimsy of the cherry blossom-filled riverbank, a connection formed that would leave an indelible mark on Nishinoya's young heart.

To Nishinoya, the girl was nothing short of amazing and beautiful. She embodied a joyous innocence and a freedom he yearned to embrace himself. The vibrant energy she exuded awakened something within him, an innate desire to live life to the fullest and find happiness in the simplest of moments.

As the petals continued to dance around them, Nishinoya took in the scene, etching every detail into his memory. He may have been just a young boy discovering the world, but in that serendipitous encounter— he had encountered something truly extraordinary—an encounter that had ignited a spark within him.

As the girl's graceful dance came to a halt, her eyes met Nishinoya's, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of flustered emotions wash over him. His heart skipped a beat as her gaze locked onto his, their connection intensifying in that brief moment. But what truly caught Nishinoya off guard was the radiant smile that graced the girl's lips, an infectious expression that he instantly found himself enamored with.

A jolt of warmth spread through Nishinoya's chest, a sensation he had never experienced before. It was as if an invisible thread had connected their hearts, tugging at his emotions with an indescribable force. In that instant, he realized that there was something special about this girl, something that made his heart flutter and his cheeks flush.

This was the first time Nishinoya had felt such a profound connection with another person.

As Nishinoya celebrated his twelfth birthday, he eagerly anticipated spending the day with [First Name] who had become his cherished companion for the past five years. Excitement filled his heart as he imagined the adventures they would embark on together—playing at the playground, indulging in ice cream, and relishing their time at the beloved riverbank they frequented. However, the day took an unexpected turn. Hours ticked by, and the girl was nowhere to be found. The anticipation gradually transformed into worry and confusion. Nishinoya couldn't comprehend why she hadn't shown up as they had planned.

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