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I love you bc I wake up thinking about you

I love you bc during the day I think about you

I know you bc at school I think about you

I love you bc I go to bed thinking about you

I love that you make me think we are like Ibuki and mikan

I love when you asked me to get this app for us

I love that when you get traumatized you make me traumatized

I love playing roblox with you other then when my WIFI is rude

I love being able to make memories with you

I love taking a ss of our characters together as a memory

I love how precious you are to me

I love spamming reels to each other

I love taking your reels you sent me and send them back to you

I love you bec like your my wife so like ofc I love you

I love you bec you mean the world to me

I love you bc you helped me with so so so much

I love you bec no matter what in always happy texting you

I love you bc even when I'm at school I always seem to smile and everyone keeps asking why

I love making you smile

I love making you laugh

I love knowing that I'm able to help you

I love that you compared our heights... I WILL BE TALLER WATCH ME VI WATCH MEE

I love you and only you (other then my pets ofc<3)

I love that you don't even have to try to make me happy

I love that you exist

I love that we can talk about anything to each other

I love that my brain is slow atm and  I can't think of things to put down

I love I can't think of anything rn

I have something better next page please my love❤

why i love you/what Makes Me HappyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz