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I love your hair

I love your voice

I love how you make me feel

I love being able to talk about anything

I love how nice you are

I love how kind you are

I love how pretty you are

I love how you make me feel

I love telling you I love you

I love how you make me feel safe

I love our conversations

I love that I can be myself

I love waking up in the morning knowing I can text you

I love that I can feel comfortable with you

I love that I can tell you goodnight and good morning

I love that I can say hiii and you will look the same

I love it when I don't answer for a day you'll ask if I'm okay

I love that I don't wanna die as much anymore bc I have you and zina

I love you bc I laughed so hard at your messages when  you said you broke two things by accident

I love knowing I can count on you for anything

I love that you can count on me for anything

I love that you make me day so perfect

I love that i can never get tired of you

I love you bc I haven't been this happy in forever and I know that you're the only person who can make me this happy

I love that I adore you

I love that you don't judge that I like fnaf

I love that you are happy to hear me talk about stuff I enjoy

I love that you aren't scared to talk to me

I love that you always text me in the morning

I love how perfect you are

why i love you/what Makes Me HappyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora