Chapter 1.

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3rd person POV:

Seoul 9:00 am KST

The one and only son of billionaire Jeon Junghyo, Jeon Jungkook has been reportedly rushed to hospital after a major accident in which his car hit the truck. The truck driver is under police custody after surviving the accident without any major injuries while mr.jeon jungkook is said to be in critical condition.

For more information, stay tuned to KBS news.

The reported was standing outside the hospital as she spoke into the mic, while her other hand held the umbrella. It was barely 9 am right now but the whole city was under dark clouds and heavy rain which was almost flooding the streets.

The news was all over every news channel in the entirety of Korea while the doctors performed surgery on the 20 year old male in the emergency ward, sweat coating their forehead as they tried their best to save the son of the most important man in the country.

The person they were performing surgery had barely any chances of surviving but the team of doctors were doing everything they could. The truck had crushed the entire side of the driver's seat where the patient was sitting.

The patient was not wearing a seat belt and the truck driver was drunk as he jammed into his car and dragged it till it hit the tree that was close, making the car go completely off lane.

The patient's spine was broken, his skull was crushed, his stomach was an absolute mess, there was no assurance he would be able to move his limbs even if he survives, the shards of glasses were prickling deep into his skin and there were many near his heart as well. The chances were almost none that the male will survive but the doctors were trying everything from the last 7 hours they were in the emergency room.

There were lots of media even inside of the hospital after they had made their way by breaking the security rules, wanting to know the condition of the most influential man's son.

The man himself was nowhere to be seen as he was reportedly in Argentina and was rushing back to korea on his private jet but it will take him around 15 more hours till he reaches the hospital.

There was absolutely no hope that the male will survive after the tremendous amount of blood loss, the doctors didn't know what to do anymore and they were very close to giving up, but they knew they would lose their jobs if they don't do anything to save him. Only a miracle could do something right now.

There was pindrop silence in the emergency room other than the occasional voise of doctors sighing or asking for the medical equipments and also the beeps of the different machines the patience was connected to.

And suddenly, the silence was broken when the machines suddenly started beeping way too loudly, all the vitals of the male was sky rocketing creating a sense of panic between the team of doctors and right then..

Everything stopped. Everything went silent along with the barely beating heart of Jeon Jungkook.


*Somewhere in heaven* 8.00 am KST

"Taehyung! Wake up! You are late!" Another angel was yelling as he shook his body, but instead of waking up the sleeping angel made his angels visible instead and wrapped his body in them and hid his face as well.

"I couldn't sleep whole night because of nervousness and excitement, hyung. Please just a bit more." Taehyung mumbled in sleep as he cuddled into his own large yet soft wings.

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