Where our story officially starts

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A/N-Bro, I'm so bored, I'm writing 2 chapters in 1 day. Also, you guys can take a vote at the end of the story. :)

So, here we are, walking around town and getting wet in sewer water...ew.

"Did you really have to bring me to this?" I ask. "Hey, earlier today, you wanted to help, so now you're helping." Mario says. "Fine."

As we walk around, I hear Mario start to lift up a manhole. "You're seriously not gonna -" Luigi starts to say, but is interrupted by Mario jumping in the sewers. "Is he for real?" I ask. "Eh, whatever." I jump in with him and wait for Luigi to follow us.

Luigi finally came down to the sewer, and Mario directed us to the lever. "Why did I agree to this" I say as I climb the pole. (Stripper style. Ok, I'll stop.) "I think I've got it!" I say as I try to reach the lever. "Y/N, wait!" Luigi says to me, but it's too late. The lever broke off, and the pole we were climbing on completely bent down and it took us through the wall.

I land on Luigi and he starts to whimper in pain from his fall. "Are you guys ok?" I ask. "I'll be fine when you get your head off my chest." Luigi responds. I get off of him and see that Mario is looking around the sewer. I don't question it and follow him.

We reach down to the bottom level and we all look around. "It's so creepy here. And it's smells gross." I say to Mario. "It looks like nobody's been down her for years." Mario responds.
We both hear a noise from where Luigi once was. "Hey, Luigi, wait up!" I Yell and go into the tunnel.

"Y/N, wait!" Mario says as he grabs my hand and we both start to feel a wave of energy pull us into the tunnel. I hold onto Mario in fear and he holds me back. "Woah!" I hear him exclaim. After he says that, I hear a faint scream. It Luigi!

"Luigi!" "Lu!" We both call out for Lu and hold onto him. "Mario, Y/N, I don't like this! What is going on?!" He screams. "Don't worry! Nothing bad will happen as long as we're together!" Mario says to calm down Luigi.

He jinxed it. Very much jinxed it.

After he says that, I feel a hard energy burst push us away from each other.
"Woah!" I Yell as we're pulled away. I don't wanna go away from them! Where will I go?

Who do you hold onto?

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⏰ Última atualização: May 28, 2023 ⏰

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