21. New couple

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Come on kriti... Come to the point... "Does seeing Nitya today been hard on you?" I asked slowly afraid he would snap.

"Yes" he said giving a poker face which made it hard to read.

"In a good way? Or a bad way?" I dared to continue.

"What is a good way and bad way?" He asked with a chuckle.

"Well it depends on the person..
like for you may be good way is seeing her after long time and bad thing is being married to me already.... And for me... Good way is that you are still here. Bad way is to see you regretting marrying me." I said, my voice a Little above than a mere whisper. I didn't dare to look at him.

"Kritika look at me" he said after few minutes of silence. I hesitantly lifted my head. "Kritika the moment i took those seven steps with you i am yours.
And don't worry I am loyal."

Does he know i don't want him to be with me because we are tied up together. I just want him to be happy with me.

"Rehaan question is not about your loyalty its about your happiness" i said reading something,anything in his eyes.

"Kritika I like you, I was not forced into this.. It was my own free will. And No, if you think seeing Nitya would stir my feelings for her.. You are completely wrong." He said with a huge sigh.

He likes me..! Yup my hearing capabilities ended after that. He freaking likes me my subconscious did a little happy dance. That bought smile on my face see we are in a process of making him love us. My subconscious was super happy if only we could enjoy our wedding night she would pounce up on him and make love senselessly. That made me laugh out loud when i realised she is a part of me.

Rehaan looked amused"What are you laughing for?" He asked.

"Nothing... Don't you have a flight to catch Mr.Savanth." i asked walking towards the door.

"I do Mrs.Savanth in fact Shrey is already waiting outside" he said pulling his stuff. "When are you coming?"

"It would take one more month. More over i just told them I'm resigning i didn't consider their transfer offer." I said breaking the news to Rehaan. I forgot to tell him that i would like to take break from my work. " I have saved enough money so i could last for 3-4 months without a Job, i would like to search for a new one."

"Did i ask about the money?!" He asked little irritated. Oops! Wrong button. "Its your life.. If you wanna work or not its your decision . if you want anything the minimum you have to do is demand it from me." He said raising his eyebrows "Understand?"

Okay... I can't see him for one month so for now i can keep quite. "Okay" i agreed. I went my toes and quickly brush my lips to his and mumbled "Ananya She loves you a lot... She just wants to see you happy"

"I know... I will apologize. And for that peck you gave me...." He said coming close "... Thank you. But that is not how i like."

"I'm all yours Mr.Rehaan Savanth.... Come and get what you want." I said with a sudden boldness.

"Aha...Kritika Savanth..." He said playfully and closed the much unwanted distance between us. But had to pull away because of the loud ringtone on His phone.

"Im coming"he hissed. While i was busy catching breathe.

"See you soon wifey" he winked and left. I stood there Blushing.
It took a while for me to adjust in Rehaan's house. His parents are cool often remind me of mine. I would call mom daily and ask about her and dad. Karthik returned to Bangalore and promised to meet me every once in a week, when i get there. My3-4 months vacation time would be perfect for me get acquaintanted with the city and many of my school friends were in Bangalore right now it would be awesome to meet them all after long time. The one who couldn't attend my wedding sent me long emails telling how much they wanted to come but couldn't. Later, I went to mom's place with my in -laws to collect my wedding gifts.

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