Chapter 1

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A typical day at the U.A Heights Alliance when the queen herself Mina Ashido decided to go around and ask who can dance the best... or throw it back the best...


Let the chaos ensue.

Mina was searching for her first person but she didn't know who to choose. All of class 1-A was in the commons area. So Mina being well, MINA, she decided to just go one by one.

"All right everyone the Queen herself is here. So I was thinking I should challenge you all to a little challenge" a cheshire smile then appeared on her face causing everyone to stiffen up a bit. "Let's see who can...." There was a pause "Throw it back to this playlist I have!!"

There was beat silence before the explosive pomeranian we all know and love yelled," Yeah right! Hard pass Racoon Eyes!"

Mina decided to challenge that with another cheshire grin on her face

"Does that mean you can't twerk Bakugou??"

"HAAAH?! As if any of you extras can do it better than me!!"

There were then sounds of disagreement from some and Bakugou felt his eye twitch.

Mina then announced," Now LET'S GET TO SHAKIN IT!!!!"

"Lord Helps us all...." Everyone thought in unison.

Everyone was either wearing sweatpants or shorts with a tank top or short sleeved shirt to it would be fine.

"This is highly inappropriate Ashido." Exclaimed Iida.

"Now don't any of yall try to lie 'cause I saw ALL if yall getting down at that dance we had last month with yall boos, so DON'T EVEN TRYYY IT" She said with a sweet voice but vicious voice and smile to go with it.

Iida immediately clammed up and blushed a bit so did everyone else.

A/N: I'll put the title to the songs I remember or think is funny.


"Now... Who will my first victim will be, SERO"

Sero just blinked and blushed with his signature smile and asked," Okay... So how will this work??"

"I have my playlist ready and I'm gonna press shuffle and you gotta dance to whatever song you get, got it buddy?"

"Yeah got it"

Mina pressed shuffle on her phone and the songs started playing. That song being"

Megan Thee Stallion: Hot Girl

clean or not your choice (●'◡'●)

Sero exclaimed," That's my song!!!" and stared twerking. Mina started hyping him up as well as the other girls.

The he got on the nearest wall propping his feet up and went crazy. Mina started screeching as well as other kids that hyped him up and the volume in the room was IMMACULATE.

Sero then got off the wall laughing and said," So how was that?" while winking.

"That was cool"

"So Manly"

" Not bad extra but I can still do better"

Iida exe. has stopped working

Mina cut off the music and chose her next person her eyes saw a very red Iida so she took this opportunity.

"Iida you're next!"


She suffled the playlist when.... Oh. My. GOD🤣🤣🤣

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