the hell

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bro me and my classmates where outside at the park and one of my friends was making friends with one little girl 

your think aww cute ...

not cute cause was a fucking she devil

i said hi to her and she fucking threw her water bottle at me 

and my friend was cheering her on

she then threw it at me again

and your propily asking how old is she 


and then her teacher came over and told her to apologies and i look at her and saw her smirk at me and guess what

She Had WaTeR In her mouth

she FUCKING spat on me 


and plus i hade me straight hair 

my hair is naturally curly 

and with contact with water its turn curly 

in the end this kid got time out time  for the rest of the time they where there

just to be know  i was happy 

my friend wasnt 

but who cares

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