Chapter Four - Family Reunion

Start from the beginning

"Well maybe I would be more reciprocative if I wasn't literally trapped."

"It's not permanent-"

"Yeah, I bet you said that about giving me away too-"

"We thought you were dead!" James exclaimed, "You know that we did!"

"Yeah!" Harry yelled back in the same tone, "I knew! I liked it that way!"

James and Lily both recoiled, a look of hurt on their faces.

"You can't be telling us that you'd rather be back with that monster-"

"Don't you dare talk of my father like that when you have absolutely no right to say anything considering your actions." Harry told James, having stood up and walked right up to the barrier, looking him dead in the eyes as he spoke, his voice so eerily calm yet obviously dangerous.

James swallowed thickly.

"If you would just let us explain-" Lily tried to reason but Harry interrupted her.

"I think I already know enough, Lily." He told her, "You got cold footed about me so you decided to send me away so you wouldn't get attacked, only for me to get thrown into a household where I was, let's see: Abused, belittled, shunned, starved, forced to do all the chose I possibly could since the age of three, where I was told that my parents had died and was made to feel like a useless waste of space, and, on top of it all, I was shunned for my magic. So yes, please, try to make the argument that you were 'protecting' me by sending me to my own personal hell."

Lily's jaw dropped and she brought up a hand to cover her mouth, Petunia and Vernon had done those things?

"Harry- We didn't know-" James tried to say.

"Sure." Harry scoffed, "It's not like you were in constant communication with them. I still remember the letter."

Lily blinked, "The letter... You knew we were coming back for you?!"

Harry rolled his eyes, "I'm not stupid. I may have been four, but even I could read your chicken scrawl."

"Then- You know that Voldemort took you-" James reasoned.

Harry laughed a laugh like Bellatrix's, "I asked him to."

Lily got up and left the room, James following her out shortly after. Harry smirked. As long as they planned to keep him here, he would put up a fight, and he'd won the first battle.


Harry spent his days either sleeping or lounging around lazily. It had been a week so far. He'd scoured the entire room, looking for any cracks in their stupid barrier, but he couldn't find one. He'd looked through everything for anything he could possibly use as a weapon, and his regular magic was dampened so much that he couldn't even fully summon a pillow from the bed. Aside from that, he was brought three meals a day, James and Lily having given up trying to get through to him after the third day of trying. Harry supposed they were "giving him his space". Every time they would come in, Harry would just sit there and glare at them until they left. He'd never answer any questions, and he just toned them out if they tried to just talk. He'd cover his ears with pillows and turn his back to them, or he'd just start saying "la la la la" at the top of his lungs. The first few times he did this, James had called him childish, but Harry had simply replied that he was still technically a kid and had continued.

Harry didn't want to hear their excuses, but once June rolled around, he started to doubt that he would get out with the way things were currently going. He came to realise that if he even wanted a chance to escape, he'd have to change his gameplan. It wouldn't be the first time he'd manipulate someone, but he knew that the Potters would be expecting it. He was the son of Voldemort after all. He had to make it even more believable than before. So, he dragged it out. Over the course of the next two weeks, Harry kept up with his usual spats between him and the Potter's, but as the days progressed, he made it seem as though he was losing his fire. It was about mid June when he finally caved over something. He'd been allowed to shower and stuff like that, but he'd refused to change his clothes, not wanting to have to dress in the muggle clothes that filled the wardrobe. Though, unfortunately, his clothes began to smell, and soon they just became too bad for Harry to wear them. Instead, he found a blue sweater and black trousers in the wardrobe, putting the clothes on very reluctantly. This seemed to boost the Potter's spirits, something Harry hadn't expected at all.

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