Then you placed yourself where Ventress was, sat down and waited for the Jedi to arrive.

"Hello there." Obi-Wan greeted.

"And who are you? Another one of Dooku's dogs?" Anakin shouted the instant he saw you.

You didn't answer and instead just stood up while igniting your crimson blade.

"It seems our friend over here isn't much of a talker." Obi-Wan added to his friend's comment.

You remained silent, your white mask concealing your true intentions. Obi-Wan Kenobi's observation was accurate, but you had no desire to engage in idle conversation with the Jedi. Actions spoke louder than words, and you intended to make that abundantly clear.

Without wasting another moment, you lunged forward, attacking Anakin with relentless ferocity. Your crimson Lightsabre clashed with his blue blade, the clash of energy filling the air. Anakin, caught off guard by your unyielding assault, shifted into a defensive stance, focusing on protecting himself rather than launching an offense. Obi-Wan, recognizing the need to act, moved swiftly to engage you. He adopted the defensive form of Soresu, his blue Lightsabre moving fluidly to deflect your strikes. But you were no stranger to lightsabre combat techniques, and you adjusted your tactics accordingly.

Recognizing that Obi-Wan excelled in defence while Anakin was more proficient in offense, you continued your relentless assault on the younger Jedi. Each strike you directed at Anakin forced him to focus on defending himself, leaving him little room to launch an effective counterattack. Meanwhile, you deftly dodged and countered Obi-Wan's strikes, using his own attacks against him.

The battle escalated, the room filled with the hum of lightsabres and the occasional crackle of Force powers being unleashed. Anakin's frustration grew as he struggled to break free from your relentless onslaught, while Obi-Wan's determination to protect his friend fuelled his attacks. But you remained silent, your focus unwavering. You utilized your speed and agility to avoid their strikes, countering with precision and skill. Your actions spoke volumes, conveying your intent to defeat the Jedi and accomplish your own objectives. As the duel raged on, Anakin's energy began to wane. His relentless offense had drained him, and he struggled to match your relentless assault. Obi-Wan, ever the master of defence, continued to hold his ground, but you could sense his frustration growing.

Seizing the opportunity, you intensified your assault on Anakin, pushing him further into a defensive stance. He was forced to channel his energy into blocking and parrying, leaving him vulnerable to your attacks. Obi-Wan, torn between defending himself and protecting his Friend, found himself increasingly overwhelmed. The tide had turned. You had successfully exploited the Jedi's strengths and weaknesses, maintaining your silent resolve throughout the battle. Sensing victory within reach, you pressed your advantage, delivering a series of calculated strikes that left both Jedi momentarily off-balance.

And then, just as quickly as you had appeared, you vanished into the shadows. Your purpose had been served, and you had no interest in prolonging the confrontation. The Jedi were left in the darkened room, their heavy breaths filling the silence. Obi-Wan and Anakin exchanged glances, realizing that the mysterious adversary had slipped away. Though they were left with unanswered questions, they knew their immediate concern was to regroup and reassess their situation.

As they turned their attention to their surroundings, they found no trace of you. The room remained empty, save for the lingering presence of your power and the faint echo of your crimson blade.

"You can go now." you tell Ventress when you found her lingering in the shadows, spying on you on the balcony where you just landed.

"And just now it became interesting." she shot back.

The crimson child -Male Sith Reader-Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant