Chapter.3 (The accident)

Start from the beginning

", Miki can you please get off me?" I said being hugged to death by a hyper girl.

"Oh, sorry," Miki said.  As she got up her left leg fell off!  I kept looking at it with an astonished face.  "Whoops how'd that slip off?" She asked.  She picked it up held it aganist her thigh.  Then she grabbed a wrench and clippers and worked on the fallen off leg.  I looked closer at the leg and noticed that it was an artificial leg, so was her other leg and right arm.

"Got that fixed," Miki said.  "Now there was something I was suppose to do but what was it,......................................Oh yeah!  Miku, Luka heard you were up and running, so she sent me to get you."

"Luka, whose Luka?" I asked.

"You'll see, now come on," she said as she pulled as arm.


Miki pulled me to an auditorium.  Every thing was red in different styles of colors, except the stage which was wooden.  On the stage was Meiko and a tall pink haired girl who whore a black, anchient looking robe with golden stripes, golden headphones, and golden boots.

"Luka she's here," Meiko said to the tall girl.

"Ahhh, so this is the Vocal Droid everyone's been talking about," the tall girl said.  "My name is Luka I am a singer, but the voice editor to Vocaloid's."

"Hello, I'm Miku Hatsune," I introduced.

"So I see," Luka said.  "I've never edited a Vocal Droid but I think I know someone who can.  But first we need to hear you sing, so please go on the stage and sing 'La La La La LAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' for me."

"Um, ok," I said.

As I walked up the stage I thought to myself, I've never sang before in my life how do I sing?  I had to find out quick, but now it's late because I just noticed the microphone in front of me.

"La la la la laaaaaa", I said.

"No, no, no, Miku, sing it don't say it," Luka corrected.  "Try again."

I did it again but this time extending the last letter of La and lighting my voice.

"La la la la laaaaaaaaaaaaa," I sang.

"Very good Miku, but your voice needs some tweaks though," Luka explained.

Neru came in the auditorium but as soon as she saw me she turned away, but Luka thought other wise.

"Neru!" She called.

She stopped and turned.  "Yes."

"Take Miku to the Vocal Labroratories," Luka replied.

"Vocal Labratories? What are they going to do to me there?" I Questioned.  "They are going to edit your voice using special programs," she explained.  "So Neru that's where I want you to take her, and I would be expecting you to bring her back.  So Miku I'll see you later."

I step off the stage and leave the auditorium.  I look behind me to check if Neru is coming with me.  I see her but all she says is ",turn around and keep walking."

I stop because I realized I had no Idea where I was going, so I let Neru walk past me and I follow.  She leads me down to the Bottom 4th floor.  All that was on the floor was a long passage and at the end of it was a double slide door.  When we walked to the end of the passage, the doors slide open automatically.  Inside was a square room with a row of 12 buttons on the wall.  Neru pushed the 7th one and the elevator shot itself to the side and stopped suddenly.

When the elevator doors open  I walk closely to what seems to be a waiting room with crystal clean tiles, huge lamps, and rows of shelfs with magazines.  At the end of the waiting room was a ledge with a drop of like 10 feet.  I soon realize exactly what this place was when a enormus fast moving train flew right in front of me.

A train station.  That train went so quick it nearly blew my head off but made the ponytails on my head tangle around my body.  The train seemed to look futureristict with flashing lights and wierd patterns and turbo engines that made a loud whirring booming sound.

Through the noise of the engines I heard a faint voice call my name.  I turned to see Meiko waving her hand to me.  I walked over to her.  "What are you doing here?!"  I yelled because I thought she couldn't here me with the engine noise.  "To check on you!"  She shouted back.  "What did you say!?"

"I said that I'm, Hold on!"

She waited a few seconds for the noise to calm down until it came to a complete silence.  "I was saying that I came to check on you beacuse I didn't think I could trust Neru taking you all the way to California," Meiko said.

"Aren't we in Japan?  California's like half way across the world," Neru mentioned.  "Yeah, but these trains go like 300mph.  They'll take you to California in like a day," Meiko explained.  "When's our train?" I asked.  "In like 2 hours, when 2 more trains pass by.  Well I better be going I'll tell Luka everything's going fine," she says as she leaves the station.

I look for a place to rest but the funny thing is this waiting station has no chairs or something to sit on, so everybody just stood arond waiting for their train to pick them up.  I went next to pole, leaned on it and swung my leek around to pass time.


After about an hour a train drove by the station and I was nearly falling asleep.  I turned to check if Neru was still behind me.

She was 9 feet away from me standing up straight with her eyes closed tightly shut.  Though she was acting strange, her face was pale white like she was dead and her face expressions were constanly changing.

I snapped my fingers trying to get her attention.  Her eyes fluttered open and her skin went from pale white to her normal skin color.  "Are you alright?"  I asked.  She hesistated for a moment and said ", Never better."

I turned around and tried to entertain myself because I was seriously bored.  Another 30 minutes passed and I could hear the next train coming close.  I was getting excited that we were almost out of here and on our way to California.

As I tried to let Neru know time was almost up, some forced pused me over the ledge and on to the rails of the train.  I could hear it getting closer!

I tried to climb back knowing if I don't I won't be coming back!  I called Neru hoping she would pull me up but by the time she tried to I knew my time was up as the fast-moving train came rushing towards me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2011 ⏰

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