Operation get tara and Amber together

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Sam added max, quinn, liv, ethan, chad, anika, mindy, jill, ginny, ella, harper, jj, wes

Sam names the group chat operation get Tamber back together

Sam:its been 4 days now 😔

JJ:fr im sick in tiered of them arguing

Sam:fr and they can't even be in the same room as each other

Mindy:why don't we lock them in a room for like an hour and see if they can at least forgive each other?

Sam:idk even if they did forgive each other they would probably hate us for so long

Anika:oh well lets do it

Chad:okayyy so whats the plan

Ella:okay so sam calls Amber telling her that she needs to speak to her in sams room then wes and mindy gets tara to go in sams room then we lock them in

Sam:okayyy let me go call Amber

On the phone

Sam:hey Amber how are you


Sam:can u coming over and come into my room please?


Sam:i need help with something

Amber:with what

Sam:with max

Amber:fine I'll be there in 10

Sam:yesss thank you Amber









Time skip to wes n mindy trying to get tara into sams roommm

"hey t come into sams room for us juts for a minute" wes says "no" tara mumbles "come on please tar" mindy sighs "why"

"sam needs help with something" wes lies "ugh fine" tara whines and get up ane walks into sams room

"why the fuck are you in here" tara says to Amber "sam asks me-" Amber was explaining but chad cuts her off "sorry guys" he says and shuts the door "what the fuck guys" tara says banging on the door but doesn't get a reply "for fuck sake" tara says and sits down on the floor while Amber is sat on the bed

5 minutes later and no one has said anything "so-" Amber goes to talk but tara cuts her of "whyd you do it" tara says staring at the floor "i don't remember kissing her like swear down i don't remember kissing her and no one saw it but there was a picture posted on Instagram but i swear to god t i don't remember kissing her" Amber explains "but you still kissed her" tara says "i know but i was drunk out if ny mind and im so so fucking sorry tara" Amber says

"look Amber we can be friends but i can't date you or trust you for a while until you gain that trust back yk u kissed someone when you have been dating them for a year i just can't not yet" tara says and Amber nods

1 hour later and they have just been talking about the most random shit ever

"hey guys" sam says nervously as she opens the door "im going to fucking kill you" tara says and starts chasing sam "NO TARA IT WAS MINDYS IDEA IM SORRY" sam shouts running into the kitchen were everyone is "max help" sam says and hides behind her
"i hate you all" tara says running into the kitchen "i love you too" sam says panting "dude u literally ran for 5 seconds" quinn says " i know" sam says "welp im going on a walk" quinn says

"want me to come?" liv asks "sure" quinn says smiling "wait are you guys dating yet" sam asks "yes" they both say at the same time and walk out the front door "omfg finally" sam says laying on the couch and max lays on top of her "oy sam" wes says entering the livingroom "heyyyy wes" sam says "deena asked when are we meeting up" wes says "i have double shift tomorrow tomorrow 7 till 12 then 6 till 12 and thats if i get out on time then the day after i have work at the other place 12 till 6 but they day after im off" sam explains "have fun with that" max says smirking "shut up" sam says slapping her "well were meeting at 10 in 2 days so" wes says "sweet"

"is everyone free in 3 days?" anika asks "nope i have work 8 till 2 then im working at the other place 5 till 10"sam says" damn thats gonna suck"ella says "i know i hate it" sam whines "im freeeee" mindy says and everyone but sam says same "well why don't we meet up at 8 thwn sam can meet us after we finish?" anika asks "sure why not"

"nah ita fine I'll just come back home cause i might get out late and shit and I'll be tired as fuck so" sam says "are you sure" max asks "yeah is fime go have fun" sam says smiling "i love you" max says kissing sam "Ugh" tara says "wait so sam when are you off work then" ella asks "in like a week or smh idk cause i have two jobs its hard to find time off of work" sam says "damn that sucks" tara says "i know" sam says
"but now shut the fuck up max is asleep" sam says in a whisper "okay well ive gotta go so bye guys" harper says

Okayy so i was going to post yesterday but i rlly hurt my arm at my football match and then i had my brothers prestation and after party and i was tired n my arm was hurting so😪

Butttt I'll try to post tomorrow cause i think im staying in but idk yet cause my dad is going on his ice cream bike (yes he has an ice cream bike and its so cool🤭) and my mum is in a wheelchair so it will be me my older brother (2 yrs) and maybe my older sister(shes 18)  so yeah idk😭


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