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Down stairs when sam went up to talk to tara

"so did me and liv really kiss?" chad asks "yes yes you guys did" anika says "ew" liv says "well me and quinn are going home now so bye guys" ethan says "yeah see you guys later" quinn says "bye guys" chad says and ethan and quinn walk out the door

4 hours later so its 4

Chad:heyy ethan
Wanna hang out?

Don't leave me on opened😒

Chad:did i do smh?




Chad:ethan keeps leaving me on opened and idk what ive done

Liv:quinn keeps leaving me on opened aswell

Chad:idk what we have done

Liv:do u think its cause we kissed?

Chad:maybe but why would they care

Liv:yeah true

Chad:Let me go ask sam cause she might know

Liv:alrighttt lmk what she said

Chad:i will


Bitch answer

Sam:rude much but whats up

Chad:well ethan keeps leaving me on opened and quinn keeps leaving liv on opened but we don't know what we have done so do u know?

Sam:yes yes i do know idiot

Chad:soo what have we done?

Sam:ur both such idiots


Sam added liv
Sam added chad

Sam:u guys do know its cause ethan likes chad and quinn like liv thats why there ignoring u both cause they like u and u guys kissed so there annoyed and sad

Liv:hold up quinn likes me?

Chad:wait ethan likes me?

Sam:yes and yes now go get ur lovers cause igtg taras waking up

Chad:we will but u better not be lying to us

Sam:im not now go


Quinn don't ignore me bro
Im sorry
Yk the kiss with chad didn't mean anything right?
We were both just drunk and it didn't mean anything i promise

Quinn:whyd u kiss him then?

Liv:idk i don't even remember kissing him but why does the kiss eveen matter?

Quinn:because i fucking love u


Quinn:yes liv i have dome for ages

Liv:met me at (location) rn



Chad:yo eth
Are u really that pissed at me?


Chad:finally whats wrong


Chad:well there definitely is cause u left me on opened like 10 times and ur acting weird

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