You're On Your Own, Kid ❪ Roman Reigns ❫

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PAIRINGS: Roman Reigns x F!Reader

FEATURING: Roman Reigns, Y/n, other wrestlers, Jey Uso, Jimmy Uso.

SYNOPSIS: Y/n comes back after being away from an injury to find out everything has changed, that he has changed.

WARNINGS: angst, anxiety, typical Roman behaviour, he is kind of an asshole, prob crap, errors I missed.

— AUTHORS NOTE: I'M BACK!!!. I hope you like it!

— DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT give consent/permission for my work to be copied and pasted on other platforms. However, I highly encourage feedback, likes, reblogs, and comments.

Y/n let out a deep sigh as she parked her car in the arena car parking lot. Nerves started to get the best of her, as she put her car into park, then put the handbrake up. Turning the key in the ignition. Turning the car off.

Though she made no effort to get out of the car. Her hands gripped the steering wheel tightly. She breathed in and out. Trying to calm her nerves. She hadn't kept in touch with the rest of the shield. She knew Dean left the same time she sustained an injury. Though the shield was broken up before she left. She just wasn't sure where Roman and Seth stood with each other. She didn't watch wwe after she left, she wanted to focus on her recovery. Plus, watching wrestling only made her heart hurt more that she was injured and couldn't wrestle. She wasn't sure how they would react to her coming back. In her mind, she hoped they could reform The Shield again. Sure, it would be hard, but they were the best faction in wwe.

She took a deep breath in and out, before collecting herself. She took the keys out of the ignition and took her seatbelt off. Then grabbed her gym bag. Her shaky hand grabbed the car door handle, opening the car door. She got out of the car. Shutting the door. Her heart hammering faster. Her palms were clammy. She locked her car. She started to walk to the stadium. Her anxiety only grew more with every step.

No matter how many times she breathed in and out, nothing could settle her anxiety.

She made her way to the back door, showing her pass, and the stadium worker let her in. Her breathing got heavier as she made her way in. Gripping the bag strap tightly.

She wanted to find either Seth or Roman, but she got stopped by other co-workers and wrestlers, hugging her tightly and asking her how she is. Telling her it was great to have her back. Though none of them told her about Roman, how he changed. Maybe they didn't want to see her hurt expression.

Though she appreciated how much they welcomed her back, she wanted to see Seth and Roman. She made her way down a hall. Stopping as she heard her name being called out from behind her. She turned around to see The Usos.

"Y/n/n," Jey and Jimmy both spoke excitedly. Well shouted. She smiled happily at them.

"It is you," Jey spoke. Both Jey and Jimmy rushed over to her.

"And I thought it was just rumors," Jimmy spoke.

Jey and Jimmy hugged her tightly both at once.

"Hey guys," Y/n spoke. Though her voice was muffled. Neither Jey nor Jimmy let her go.

"We missed you," Jimmy spoke.

"It hasn't been the same since you left, you brightened up the room," Jey spoke.

"How have you been?" Jimmy asked, before she could even reply another voice spoke. It was him, one of the guys she was looking for. But this time it seemed different. It was colder and more distant, it held authority, it was nothing like the voice she heard before she left.

"What are you two doing? Don't you have a match to get ready for?" Roman snapped.

She felt Jimmy and Jey's bodies stiffen before they let go of her. Looking behind y/n to see Roman.

Y/n turned to look at Roman. He looked different. His hair was in a neat man bun, he had a beard, and he looked colder. If looks could kill, she would be dead. He looked at his cousins with a cold hard expression. She gulped.

"Yes, tribal chief," Jey mumbled.

Jimmy gave him a tight-lipped smile. Jey and Jimmy bid you farewell before leaving. Roman finally directed his action to you. His gaze softened a bit before it hardened.

"Hey ro," She gasped out.

"Hey, y/n/n," Roman spoke in a soft tone, she smiled slightly. She quickly outstretched her arms and quickly walked to Roman. Wrapping her arms around his body. Resting her head against his chest. It felt nice. Roman hugged her awkwardly. Making her feel a little insecure. She pulled away. Taking a step back.

"You...seem...different," She spoke. Fiddling with her fingers nervously.

Roman seemed to go back to his cold hard demeanor.

"Things have changed, y/n/n, I'm not the same men you once knew," Roman spoke.

"I moved on from The Shield, I'm in the bloodline now, and I am the tribal chief, just because you are back that doesn't mean I'm going to be in a fraction with you, I'm already in one of the best ones of this company, I don't need you," He spoke again.

She looked at him with a hurt expression.

"You are on your own, kid, but you have potential, you don't need me to succeed, I know you are talented, but if you ever need advice, I am here for you," Roman spoke. He smiled at her, though it seemed forced.

"Come here," He spoke. Hugging her, though it seemed cold. Her hands were hovering over his sides, her body slightly shaking. The hug didn't last long before he pulled away.

He said something else, but she couldn't hear him. All she could hear was white noise. He gave her another fake smile before walking away from her, leaving her devasted. Tears stinging her eyes at how her friend could be so cruel...

Wrestling Imagines; VOL 3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora