"Yo" we turned around to find kakashi sensei leaning against the wall with one of his arms up
"WHAT that's all you got to say to us!!?" Sakura and naruto asked
"What about Sasuke how's he?" I asked
Crossing my arms
Kakashi then got serious
"He's fine he is currently in the hospital" kakashi sensei said making us all relieved
Until sakuras name called and both her and ino were called down
"So who do you think will win?" Kakashi asked me and naruto
"Sakura of course" naruto said confidently
"Well I don't know I think it will be a draw" I said giving them a little smile
"Hmm possible but I think at least one of them will win" kakashi said
" oh really do you believe so?" I asked again
"Yeah one of them will probably win" kakashi repeated himself with a smirk
"Well as person who knows how all these fights will end I can already tell you your wrong" I said proudly
"Well you might know how some will end but you have also changed the future to so you may be wrong " kakashi said focusing on the fight
"OH you think so then how about a bet?" I said putting my arms on my hip
"If I win then you will take us out to eat and pay!" I said confident I will win
Kakashi then stepped closer to me and lend to my ear
"Okay but if I win you will do all that I say for a hour"
Kakashi said before standing straight again
I thought for a little before agreeing after that we focused on the match
"GO Sakura"
"You can do this"
"Dont let her win"
" think of all the training you did"
No one
Kakashi went down to move Sakura from her current position while I thought of were to go eat since sensei is paying
" man I hope I get someone easy" y/n said 

The next names were pulled


Both names were displayed on the board
"Heh this will be interesting" dosu said to himself before heading down
"WHAT no fair" naruto says sulking
While kakashi simply started laughing slowly before becoming a little louder
While this was happening a annoyed y/n stood a little far from both of them with her arms crossed
The other groups looked at then
"Man what a drag" shikamaru said shaking his head
"Making such a scene tsk" neji said while tenten just agreed with him
"How cool I get to see y/n the love of my life fight before my very own eyes" Lee said with such determination he started doing push ups
" I hope it goes well for y/n" hinata softly says for her team to hear
" im sure she will be fine after all she is probably the strongest In out class" shino said while kiba just gave a remark about him being the strongest and then y/n

With that naruto stopped sulking and kakashi slowly stopped laughing
"Well we know you got this after all you still have to fight me" naruto said before raising his hand with determination on fighting
While kakashi finally stopped laughing and went close to y/n
"You will win so stop worrying" kakashi said before leaning closer to her ear
" after all don't forget all that special training we did at night" kakashi said with a smirk on his face
Y/n simply started at him with a neutral face " I am a literally a child" y/n said
With that kakashi chuckled " you dirty minded" he said and with that y/n walked down to the battleground
"The fight may begin" the proctor said
With that dosu stood still while y/n took at several kuni and threw them at him

"Heh is that the best you got" dosu said before activating he's device/sound justu  it land a massive blow to y/n ears
Quickly she drop down and covered her ears blood dripping from them

In the stands naruto and kakashi got tensed after seeing y/n bleed never had she ever been that injured beside on the bridge suddenly they felt a overwhelming sense of worries
" please be alright"
They both thought

I'm In Naruto (Kakashi X Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora