Anotjer hc for my plain canvas man Luke

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My abundance of luke hcs is a lot
He's such a plain canvas of a man ready to be painted

I think he has quite a high tolerance rate for annoyance and stuff
As in he doesn't snap easily
But when he does
Oh lord help you if your in the hot seat
Not as in hell punch you
But oh lord help you with the damage that gets done to the poor door and wall

He used to be worse when he was around 13-15 because he had less patience
But over the years he found things that calmed him down and naturally got better patience

but obviously once in a blue moon he'll lash out then continuously apologise to the club when he does because he didn't wanna cause trouble and cries

I bet he punches walls when he's mad
Hes definitely a 'I'm gonna wreck the place then realise what I've done then cry' type of man
When he got kicked out by his parents there was definitely some kicking of doors

And like cuz he goes to the gym regularly
He's strong
Good luck to the walls 🫶

I might write a short story about a time he punched a wall maybe
Not sure

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