Chapter 12 - Rematch

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"And that's just it..." The story ends.

Earning no response, Sarah turned her head to Mocha. Only to see his mouth agape, his pupils were round and his ears were held backward, facing down. 

The mage burst into a chuckle upon seeing the werecat's reaction. She then thought he was naturally decent and saw no harm in befriending him.

"So yeah, that's a little bit of Felicia that you need to know." She shrugged. "She thinks after she left everyone would leave her alone but the gossip just wilding."

Mocha remained silent, the sound of crunching grass and leaves from their footsteps was only filling the air at present. Sarah was waiting for further questions from the traveller, yet received silence.


"You...after all these decades decided to show up in my territory??" Danial rasped, his hand pointing aggressively to Felicia as he spoke. His green eye started to spark crystal magic and smoke started to vapor from it.

"Whoa, relax buddy. I have no intention of coming here in the first place." She lifted her hand as if in surrender, and rolled her eyes. 

"You sure got the nerves to say that." He snarled. Danial gritted his teeth in pure anger, glaring all over her while taking one deep breath.

"After what you've done to me??!!" Daniel let out a loud yell as he violently punched a nearby tree with his bare fist in seething anger.

The ground shook for a few seconds due to the incredible force of his strike, leaving behind cracks on the trunk of the tree that glowed with green lines, a result of his witchcraft. The sound of his power echoed through the forest, beaming with intensity. A sorcery and super strength mixed together.

"Damn." The creator mumbled.

Reasons for her would sound absurd to Danial, even though it seemed an importance to Felicity Irene. He would know by now.

"Such a powerful masterpiece in just on the tip of my fingers, I would not let that descent."

"I'm sorry, Dan." That was all she managed to say.

"That's all? That's it?" Danial's eyes narrowed and his lips curled as he snapped back at his old best friend, who had just made a snide remark. The tension between the two immortals was palpable, and the forest seemed to sense it. The once-vibrant trees now appeared dark and dismal, as if they were mourning the loss of the friendship that once thrived in their midst. 

"Alright, fine!! I am sorry for what I did back then, alright? I know it was not right in the mind. However I have my own reasons, maybe you don't find the validity in it, but I do." She says in a teasing tone, clearly not showing any sign of remorse.

"And I hope that...we could go back like the way it was..?" Felicia added with a sheepish smile and shrugged playfully.

"Your hope ended seconds ago." Danial sternly said.

"Ugh, like what do you want me to do to fix this??" She groaned. Her hands drop down to her side with a thud in a distressed manner. Like a kid trying to apologize not so sincerely for breaking a vase in the kindergarten.

"Like where is this going? What do you want from me now?" She asked, wide arms outstretched.

"I wanted you to leave my territory at first... that was before I recognized you..." Danial trailed off.

A moment of silence passed like a ticking clock. Felicia looked at Danial while he kept his head to the side, facing away from Felicia. She waited for the sorcerer to respond, as she didn't dare to raise a question or speak her mind.

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