Suit Up!

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Reader's POV

Ah McLaren's, such a wonderful place... Or at least that's what I've heard from my friends. Ya see, I'm kinda new to NYC but my friends aren't and they've been giving me tours around town. And I already love it here! I've only been here a couple of weeks but who cares.

So anyway, back to the story, my two gal pals and I had walked in and settled into a round booth near the back. "Hello there, I'm Wendy the Waitress. Do you guys want any drinks or food?" A nice lady with black hair came up to us. I looked to (best friend's name) and (other friend name) and they ordered two beers. "Uh, just a plain Scotch for me please." Wendy nodded while she smiled and wrote everything down. She looked back up, "If you want more drinks, go up to the bar and order. Any food today?"

"Just (favorite appetizer)." (O/f) ordered. "Kay, I'll have those right out." She turned and left, "Thank you!" I called out. I watched her walk over to anothet booth and stood next to a blonde sitting in a chair at the head of the table. Somehow, he and I made eye contact and those blue orbs sent chills down my spine.

I instantly looked away and down at the table. I twirled a strand of (hair color) hair in my fingers. (B/f) smirked at me, "So who's the guy?" I looked up, "Whaaaaaaaat? I have no idea what you're talking about!" I crossed my arms and covered the star wars logo on my v-neck T-shirt.

"Uh huh... So who'd you see?" She and (o/f) looked around me and started calling out random descriptions, "Is it tall, dark and handsome at the bar?" I shook my head no. "How about short and sweet by the window?"


"Ooh! What about scruffy hair over there?" (B/f) pointed over to one of the blonde's friends. "Nope."

"The really tall one?" (O/f) gestured to his other friend.

"Uh uh."

"How about Suit?" (B/f) pointed to said guy. I sighed, "Ding Ding Ding." Their eyes widened, "Really?" Wendy came back and handed us our drinks and food. "Thank you." I said. She smiled and nodded, "I'll come with the bill later." She left.

"So, blondie huh?" (O/f) started, "You should totally go and talk to him!"

"Heh, no." I shook my head. "Aw, cmon! He's cute and blonde!" (O/f) stated. "So, what's that got to do with anything?" (B/f) grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and pulled me forward, "Everything!"

I pulled back and scoffed at their antics. I picked up my glass and (b/f) suddenly tipped it all the way and it spilled all over me. "Hey! What'd you do that for?!" I stared down at my soaked shirt. Man, I got that at Comicon too!

"Well Suit just went up to the bar so you should get another drink too." (B/f) winked. Are you kidding me?! Man, they're psychotic! My eye twitched and I got up. "Thank you for that." And I walked to the bar.

Once I got there, I took a seat at the only empty chair... Which just happened to be right next to Suit. I sighed and sat down. I felt him turn and look me up and down... His eyes lingered on my chest. Of course he'd be like this!

"Hey." I snapped out of my weirdo mind and looked to the man next to me. "Hello."

"Ted Mosby: Architect." He pointed a finger at me like he was shooting a gun. "Uh huh... And I'm (favorite celebrity). Seriously, what's your name?" I could always tell when people were lying. "Ted Mosby. Did I mention that I was an architect?" I rolled my (eye color) eyes, "Just stop. I always know when somebody's lying."

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