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*All povs will be Hermione unless says otherwise*

After we finished our sixth year, we weren't going back. Dumbledore died at the end, killed by Snape. Draco was supposed to, but he didn't. I went home at the end of the school year and obliviated my parents. I was supposed to go straight to the Burrow but I had to see him first. I had to tell him.

I apparated to a small muggle cafe and found him already there.

(Draco's nickname for Hermione is Mia) "Mia! What did you need to tell me?" He asked after kissing me.

"Draco, I'm pregnant" I said bluntly and watched his face closely. There was a small smile before it fell again.

"Hermione, I love you and all, but there is a war going on and we are on two different sides."

"So? Draco, who cares?! Yeah there's a war going on. Yes, you can't leave your parents and I can't leave my friends. That doesn't mean we can't have a baby!" I said, holding my stomach protectively.

"Of course not Hermione! I didn't mean that! I just meant that I probably wont be there for the birth. But, Hermione Granger? Will you marry me? Only if we're both alive when the war is finished." He added, pulling out a ring.

"Yes! Of course I will Draco! And I don't know about you, but I will live. I can't leave this baby without her mother!" I said, touching my stomach.

"Her? Do you already know the gender?" He asked, raising his eyebrow.

"No, I just have a feeling."

"Okay... Also Hermione, the ring is enchanted. Do you know Morse code?" I nodded, "Good. When you want to talk to me, just press on the backside of the ring. You can talk verbally or Morse code by tapping. I have a watch counterpart that I can use. I love you, but you need to go." He said, pulling me in for a kiss.

"Don't you want to feel the baby first?" I asked, smirking slightly.

He smiled a childish and excited smile, "I can do that?! How far along are you? Is there a bump yet? When are you due?"

"Well, you can try but I haven't felt anything so far. I'm just three weeks and no, there isn't. It's the end of July and I'm three weeks so the beginning of April." I said, doing the math.

"No, it would be the middle of April since magical pregnancies take 9 and a half months instead of nine. The baby needs an extra few weeks for the magic to form. But sometimes they're early, like muggles, and that's fine too," He said.

I nodded and he picked me up for a kiss and hug before we said goodbye and apparated away, me to the Burrow, and him to his manor.

At the burrow:

As I apparated, I must have set off some alarm because a second later, Mrs. Weasley came out.

"Hermione! Come in! You're a bit late but that's fine. You're staying with Ginny." She said, and I started up the stairs.

As I walked up, Harry and Ron came down.

"Hermione! When did you come?!" Ron said, hugging me tight. He only let go when I started gasping for air. Luckily, the bathroom was right there, so I ducked in, door completely open, and threw up into the toilet.

"Oh, sorry! Didn't realize it was that tight!" Ron apologized, holding my hair up.

"No no, it's fine. I just came, must have apparated too much." I lied quickly. Normally, my face would have given it away but as I was leaning over the toilet now, it didn't matter much. Ron helped me stand and I washed my mouth with water. As I did, I noticed that my cheeks were extremely red, but I didn't know whether it was from throwing up or lying. I hugged Harry, who held me much looser, before continuing up the stairs.

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