Chapter Two - The void that is our life.

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Jeff woke up with a splitting headache and blurred vision, he rubbed at his eyes, confused.

"Where am I?"

Jeff was in a static void; a seemingly endless space filled with glitching and noise - this was definitely nowhere he recognised.

As he stood up, getting off the bed, he walked around slowly.

Every direction he walked or looked it was the same endless static, except for his bed which was behind him.

"How the hell did I get here?"

The last thing Jeff remembered was dropping Ben's TV.

"Ah shit, that gremlin's gonna kill me."

He tried to focus on the memory, but it was hard to remember; the picture in his mind was super blurry and staticky. Jeff was confused - he had a pretty good memory and all this had happened just yesterday. He tried to focus again...

Jeff walked back to his room with Ben's TV in his hands, laughing to himself.

He knew Ben would be storming out pretty soon.

He chuckled as he heard the door slam, as he walked into his room and set the TV up. He booted it up, but as he did it glitched and popped.

Jeff rolled his eyes as the words "You shouldn't have done that" lit up on the TV.

"Ha ha Ben, very mature of you..."

Jeff was just about to get up and unplug the TV as a hand reached through and grabbed him.

Before he even had time to process what was happening, he was being pulled through the screaming noise and static on the screen.

It felt as if the light and noise were crawling into his ears, down his throat, making it hard to breath. Just as he felt he was about to pass out - the sensations abruptly stopped. He coughed and spluttered as he opened his eyes. He was in a seemingly endless void of static.

Before he even had so much as a chance to work out what was happening, he was overcome by an irresistable wave of tiredness and numbing cold, shutting his body down against his will.

The last thing Jeff remembered before loosing consciousness completely was a faint whisper of "Go to sleep.."

The hairs on his neck stood up as he remembered. It felt as if unseen eyes watched him, a chill creeping up his spine.

"So, I know I'm In your fucking TV or whatever Ben... you can stop now."

There was a noise behind Jeff. As he whipped around, he saw a figure on his bed. It couldn't be Ben because the figure was about 8 feet, (which Ben was definitely not, might he add). As he looked up towards it's face he froze.

It had eyes that made him feel like it wasn't just looking at him, but that it was staring into him. And it had an unnaturally lage smile reaching from ear to ear, bigger than Jeff's.

He stared at the figure reaching for the knife in his pocket. As his fingers gripped the handle, he felt a sense of power flow through him.

He was Jeff the Killer - this lousy figure couldn't do anything to him.

Slowly, almost lovingly, he pulled the knife out and appreciated it's weight in his hand. Grinning at the figure, he charged forward, shifting his grip and lunging to plunge the blade deep into the thing's heart, the static glinting off the blade as he lunged.

There was no resistance as the blade made contact. It felt as if nothing connected, the knife went right through it.

For a second, nothing happened. There was no reaction. No blood. No pain. Nothing. He looked up at it's face, as it looked back down at him, as he stood with his bladed hand extended into what should have been it's chest. And then it's mouth began to open, and as it did - it screeched.

A heart can melt - in more ways than one.Where stories live. Discover now