Chapter 20

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I've finally found peace after everything that's happened throughout this year. Jo and I started putting away our gardening equipment and the flower pots. The flowers began dying with each thick frost that would cover our backyard. Jo insisted we try to keep them alive till next spring, but I told him I doubted they would last with our busy schedule. We both began working because we started getting bored and stuck at home. Don't get me wrong, Jo and I love spending as much time as we can together, but something was missing for the both of us. Like we needed our particular time alone, and thus we decided to get each other our different jobs and work two days a week.

I work for a massive company that neuters and cares for older men and women. They often need company, and having a couple of days with them on the weekdays is a great idea. I don't only hang out and about, though. I also prep breakfast, lunch, and dinner each of those two days. There is one lady in particular that I enjoy spending time with the most. She is Lilith, and she previously worked for the middle school I attended. I didn't have her for my classes, but I occasionally saw her around the school. She always had this kind and warm smile. A twinkle in her eyes as she spoke with the kids. It's a bummer she ended up in the Northern Homing Facility, she always seemed to be an independent woman, but when Lilith explained her husband's passing and how she could no longer live in their home, I understood. It mustn't have been easy for her. Now she spends her days winning bingo in the lounge and doing puzzles in her room till late at night. I often read her her favorite books, and she falls asleep in the comfort of her soft mink blanket.

Jo invested in a business with an old high school friend of his. I don't know everything about his job, but it makes him look even bigger than he did before. Some days Jo tells me about how he fixed a car engine or polished a new GT Mustang Ford. He says the owner of that vehicle comes around often and pays them a great buck right out of his pocket. Jo was excitedly talking about it like candy from one of those luxurious candy stores in the big cities. He also said he could wash an eye on the car, pretending it would be his one day. There's always an opportunity. Jo's rich, and with the business he opened with his friend, I have no doubt they'll open big.

"What's on your mind, Oli?" Baily asked as he passed the cards around the table, playing blackjack with a few of the other older men.

Baily is one of my clients who loves to gamble his mints. And he doesn't lose.

"Oh, nothing," I shrugged it off and continued watching them throw a card in.

Baily didn't take my reply as an answer to his question, taking away the packet of mints I'd been holding for the past minute as I waited for them to finish their first round. He stared at me with a knowing look. His lips pressed in a thin line.

"Since you started working here, I've told you I don't like lies. Now tell me the truth, what's on your mind?" He insisted, throwing his deck of cards and winning the round again.

The men groaned and complained as they each took a mint out of their containers and tossed them over to where Baily sat, grinning triumphantly. I sighed, rubbing my arm.

"I've been through a lot these past months, Baily. And I'm having a hard time getting through it. I have Jo to support me, and I love him with all my being for what he's done for me. But I can't help but feel like I pulled him into this shit. He could have died because of my foolishness." Admitting that to an older person sent a wave of relief through me, and I didn't understand why, "since I confronted my parents, I haven't seen them or heard from them again. I don't feel guilty for what I said, but a part of me aches to know how they are. Like it or not, they are my parents. And they were good to me before I turned a certain age."

Baily slowly nodded and placed a hand on his chin, deep in thought, as he popped a mint in his mouth and suckled on it.

"I don't know what to do," I sighed again, "it's like I want to fix things with Jo and my parents, but Jo keeps telling me everything is okay between us, and I don't know where my parents are. Mom told me they were moving after I moved out. Maybe trusting Jo's word is more important than stressing over all these things."

"That is correct." Baily held his index high, "You shouldn't stress over the past nor the future. You should instead embrace the future with open arms and await what is coming to you."

I now understood why I felt so relieved talking to Baily about my problems. He recognizes himself in me and doesn't want me to make the same mistakes he made.

Baily would sit for hours with me, telling me about his past and how much he regretted what he did and didn't do. But he also taught lessons. Baily taught me how to forgive and move on. He's helped me understand the meaning of life in a new way. He told me not to let go of Jo and to embrace every second with him like tomorrow is the end of the world. Love has no measure.

After finishing my work, I made it home and stumbled into the kitchen, where Jo stood over the stove, tossing meat in a pan. I snuck up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist, nuzzling my face against his back. He stiffened at the sudden contact before relaxing in my arms and pressing back against me. I smiled, sliding my hands to his chest and pecking his shoulder.

"You're touchy-feely. How was your day?" Jo teased and flipped the steaks in the pan.

The sound of the meat sizzling as it cooked hit my ears, and my nose automatically caught the smell of it. I hummed, my stomach growling.

"I had a great day. Baily helped me through a couple of things." I answered, tugging at Jo's shirt.

"Are you still thinking about your parents, Oli?" Jo's tone was cold, and I could feel his muscle taut beneath my hands.

"I was, but Baily made me understand something." Jo cocked a brow and slowly loosened up, "he told me never to let the past hold me back and to welcome the future with open arms. So I guess that means to stop worrying about the things you can't control and focus on what makes you happy. I'm going to focus on us."

I smiled and gave Jo another kiss on the shoulder. He turned and leaned to my height with a cheesy grin, "I love you, you know that?"

I wanted to say it back, but instead, I caught Jo's face in my hands and smashed my lips against his, passionately kissing him.



I hope you guys enjoyed reading. This is my first published book in a long time! I'm happy with the outcome of it!

Happy reading! Hehehe

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