Chapter 17

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Oliver's POV

My throat was tight, and my breathing wavered as I watched Jo getting choked by Haden. My voice was hoarse as I cried and yelled for Haden to stop, but his hands wrapped and compressed on Jo's neck, unyielding. The menace in the predator's eyes grew darker with the strength he used. Jo kicked and coughed, his hands firmly gripping Haden's wrists in an attempt to free himself, but Haden's vigor was too much. I felt weak and unable to do anything, but I needed to help Jo. If only I wouldn't give in to Haden's offer. Suppose I could've left his manipulative lies. All of this fighting wouldn't be happening.

"Haden, please! Stop all of this!" I fell to my knees, watching Jo's breathing dissipate.

I fumbled through my pockets, eyes frantic and flooded with tears as I tried to identify the objects I held. I could barely make out the items' texture as my hands and body vibrated. Disappointment and dismay came when I realized I didn't have my phone, and more and more tears blurred my vision.

"Please. Please. Please," I whispered, searching the ground of the dark alleyway.

A wet plastic bag crackled in my hand, and I shuddered in disgust, wiping my eyes with my free hand. A rat ran past my hand, squeaking and squabbling away. I proceeded with caution, moving more things around until I caught sight of something shining near where Haden had pushed me to the wall. I rushed to it, my knees scraping against the cement, but I couldn't care less. My motive was to call for help.

"J-just hang on!" I yelled, scrambling to get my phone open.

The screen was partially cracked, with glass splinters sticking out. I opened it and brushed my thumb over the glass, the shards cutting into my thumb, causing me to flinch and bite my lip. I couldn't let this simple problem distract me from getting help. Biting harder on my lip, I moved my thumb over the screen and opened my contact log. Beneath the number to Jo's' parents was the dial, but the button was darkened by the broken screen that expanded with every touch. Jo's parents were the only people I could trust, yet they were too far to get here on time. The police were closest and could stop this fighting, but I didn't want Jo to get in trouble.

I bit back the thought and quickly dialed the police. The ringing on the line felt more extended than I'd anticipated before a woman's voice broke it.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"Please! M-my boyfriend is getting choked! I'm in an alleyway behind Le Cafe. Please hurry," I pleaded through the phone, my hand tightly gripping it, the crackling of my screen popping in my ear.

"Okay, sir! Can you stay on the line for me? Help is just around the corner, a few seconds top," she said.

I shuffled back into a corner and squeezed my eyes shut, unable to watch the scene before me. I could barely hear Jo's breathing as I listened to their movements. The woman on the phone spoke reassuring words to calm me, but she could tell I was panicking. I grasped my knees and cried into them, waiting in agitation. Prayers and wishes sputtered from my mouth, and I couldn't hold back from whimpering Jo's name.

"You're weird." A boy giggled beside me, "What's your name?"

I stared at him with big eyes, fiddling with my shirt as I put aside my journal. A kid having a diary in second grade wasn't normal for most, but I liked drawing fictional characters and writing child-like stories.

"My name is Oliver," I mumbled, closing my journal and burying it into my backpack.

The boy brightly smiled and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. He shook me in a fond and caring way with a smile displaying the gap in his teeth from losing a baby tooth.

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