Chapter 5

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Hi guys, I just want to put a little disclaimer for the POV switching. I did one for Haden to introduce him to you guys, and now for this chapter it will be Oliver's. But what I want to make clear is that, since Oliver is the main character, I will announce his POV after Haden's not to confuse you guys, but the proceeding chapters will not have a POV switch warning. That means, if Oliver is the main protagonist in this chapter, he will be for the next following. I hope this helps not to get you guys confused!


Oliver's POV

Graduation was nearing every day, which meant the exams were coming closer. My stress was through the roof as I vigorously took notes on my pad. I'd lost the privilege of the school computers after Haden learned about my little search history, so writing was my last option. Luckily, the teacher gave me time to write down my notes from my computer to a notebook to make it easier for me, which I was ever so grateful because I didn't know how to manage without them. These upcoming exams were no joke for me, and the stress was overwhelming. I knew I didn't have a chance at failing, but like every teacher, they poke and nag at you until you go crazy.

"Hey, Oliver, do you wanna smoke a puff after class?" Jo whispered as he leaned towards me with a wicked grin.

When I had my little affair with Haden on Monday, I noticed his nose flare and his complexion grow into a face I'd never seen before. I knew he wasn't happy about something, and my first thought was that he smelt the pot smoke. I thought having me under the influence would be great, but Haden didn't enjoy it. He had an angry expression the entire time of our foreplay, and that frustrated me. I wanted Haden to be excited to have me submit to him, but smoking wasn't the right way to do it, and I realized that when I awoke in my bed that night and read the note Haden had left on my bedside table, "I wish to see you sober," was written on the paper.

I snarled at myself before turning towards Jo, "Nah, man, I don't think it's a good idea with the exams coming. It might throw me off my game." Jo's grin disappeared, and he leaned back in his chair.

"You're going soft on me, Oli," he replied, unimpressed with my answer, "you never say no to a joint. What's going on?" He poked.

I frowned, "I just think it's time for me to mature, y'know? We're graduating, and smoking pot doesn't look good for the record."

My answer annoyed Jo because his face twisted into a distasteful snarl.

"Yeah. Okay." He spat.

Jo was standing from his seat and grabbing his things when I locked eyes with him. Anger painted on his face as someone had peed on his leg. I don't think I've ever seen him so upset, especially toward me. I felt discomfort when he leaned down to my height.

"Tell me how bad pot is when you don't have a drunk dad and a shit mom."

Jo disappeared past the doorway, leaving me with a sour look and a clenched jaw. I wanted to bark out his insecurities to his face and pinch him badly, but what would that give me? A school filled with preppy students who only know how to bully the shit out of people like me. Jo is popular in his way with his pot smoking and cigarettes, while I'm just some nerd with mommy and daddy issues.

I picked my things up and stormed out of the classroom. I swear, if I were a steaming train, there would be smoke roaring out of my ears.

How dare he use my problems over some dumb smoking habit? Is it that bad that I want to quit smoking pot? That I want to stop these childish pleasantries for my good sake and health? For Haden?

Jo doesn't know anything about the principal and me, but if he'd know all the other annoying things that included the substance of marijuana, I would throw it at his head. I hate waking up in the morning and feeling lazy and unworthy of myself. It's like a hurricane washed you up and dropped you on a fucking lonely island where no one inhabits anything. It's not healthy.

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