Chapter 1

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I typed every word I wanted to say on the commentary beneath one of my favorite porn videos. I was trying to be quick about it too, but when you're in the middle of class, supposed to be taking notes for a big exam. Instead, you're writing to your favorite porn star. It's not that easy. I was frantically slapping my keys with the tip of my fingers, vaguely watching the teacher write on his whiteboard, making sure he didn't notice me sweating in my chair. Thankfully, I always sat in the back of my classroom where the windows shined on my laptop screen, and every so often, I would bring the brightness up to see the little of the screen I could read. But Jo would pass behind me every time I would, making it hard for me to finish what I wanted to say in my comments.

"Man, I'll always wonder what you're doing on that thing." He'd say, pushing his glasses to his forehead, almost as if he'd think his unibrow could see.

I rolled my eyes at him, shutting my porn tab and switching to my notes, quickly typing down the little I missed of the things the teacher wrote down.

"It's not for innocent nerds like you to know," I replied with a solid frown. My brows furrowed as the sunlight hit the whiteboard and reflected into my light eyes, making it almost impossible for me to see my laptop screen.

Without wasting any time, I lifted the brightness and continued my work with Jo glaring at it.

"It's only your class notes." Jo sighed and turned in his chair, returning to work and leaving me alone. Finally.

The class was about to finish, and I was anxious to leave, needing to know what my comment had earned in the past minutes. I wanted to know if Hellion King would reply to it like he always does. His words always resonated in me, making me feel hot and messy. And he'd always agree with me about video propositions and not pay attention to his other fans' opinions. That made my ego burst on fire. It would make me feel appreciated and favored by him, which only made my hot and messy me grow tense and needy.

I suppose I'm a creep for being this attached to someone who doesn't even know me, let alone think I'm different from a horny teenager. But something always told me to keep writing and beckon him to answer.

The bell snapped me out of my thoughts, and I abruptly stood from my desk, collecting my things and shoving them in my bag.

It's my birthday today, and turning 18 makes me legal enough to have older lovers. And I hoped Hellion King would notice me quickly enough to snatch me and use me the way he wanted.

I shook my head.

He wouldn't touch me with a nine-foot pole.

"You wanna go smoke a puff before we go home? I heard Dylan got a fresh batch from his dads' homegrown leaves." I looked at Jo and his hands rubbing together like an eager child waiting for his candy.

Taking a puff wouldn't be so bad if I didn't choke on it every time I'd inhale it. But I nodded and followed behind Jo, his slim back hunched over as he signed at his friends, and they followed shortly after.

"I didn't think you'd want to hit it today since yesterday you almost died." He laughed to himself and looked back at me.

"I need something to take this stress off my back for these exams. It's not easy being a straight-A student, but you wouldn't understand that." Jo punched my shoulder, and I smirked, feeling good about my insult.

We walked out of the school and sneakily made our way around the backside to our spot. Jo pulled out a joint and handed it to me, "fine, if I'm such a failure in school, let's see how good you are at smoking this shit on your own."

My eyes grew wide as I stared him in the eyes, his grin wide on his face as he beckoned the joint closer to me. I swallowed and slowly took it from him, pulling a match out of my box and lighting it. The first puff was good, sinking into my lungs and smoothly leaving my nostrils. But the second, an itch grew in the back of my neck, and I coughed a white cloud, the burning sensation making it harder for me to stop throwing up my lungs. Jo hysterically laughed in my face, repeatedly slapping my back for me to get my breath back. I hated him for this.

"Alright, take it easy. But you have to smoke it alone and finish it. No obligations." Jo teased me with his wicked grin, and I slapped his shoulder, taking more of the joint.

Before I knew it, the joint was small, and my head was fuzzy. I was on a whole other level. My eyelids felt heavy, as so did my feet. They felt like heavy putty with a side of floating clouds. I felt great and wasn't scared to show it, patting Jo and telling him I was leaving. I started for the sidewalk before remembering I had a car. I mentally slapped myself and laughed as I pulled out my keys and reached my lonesome vehicle in the empty parking lot. I lazily slumped down in the driver's seat and plugged in my key to start the engine. It rumbled and came to a light hum, making me sigh in relief.

My bucket was challenging to start on a hot sunny day. The engine would overheat and want nothing to do with me. So, having it start so smoothly the way it did was relaxing. It was a stress less on my back. I put it in drive and started for the road home.

I don't live with my parents regularly. When I turned 17, I moved out because of my dad's intemperate habits and my mom's constant bickering. It was never meant for me, but I was sick of seeing them this way. When I moved into my own place, my mom wouldn't stop calling me, checking if I was eating correctly or keeping regular hygiene. I'd tell her the truth, and she would come over just to make sure. It would make me feel less lonely, but I like my loneliness.

I put my car in park and lazily made my way to my home. Unlocking the door, slamming it shut, and dropping my bag to the floor next to my shoes. The apartment was always quiet, and I liked that about it. I pulled my laptop out of my bag and placed it on my kitchen counter, opening my porn tab.

I scrolled through the recent comments and replies, my heart skipping when I read Hellion Kings' response to my word,
"I'd love to see you bend over for me like that. But that will be our little secret."

My groin itched and grew stiff. I could not contain myself after I read the reply, which brought me to click on the most popular video, "Daddy's Toy." I watched Hellion's hand grip around his thick length, and I shut my eyes tight.

I slammed my cover down and leaned back, holding myself against the countertop and groaning out my frustrations.
I wanted him so bad.

Hellion's body, voice, hands all over me, his thick groin pressing against mine. I wished so fondly for him to find me and take me away.

It wasn't going to happen. And I loathed that.


It has been so fucking long since I posted something, holy shit! I hope you guys enjoy this new story.

Happy reading!

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