✿-* 5

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"I'm worse at what I do best, and for this gift, I feel blessed, our little group has always been and always will until the end"

"I'm worse at what I do best, and for this gift, I feel blessed, our little group has always been and always will until the end"✿

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I saw that she looked at me like i was stupid after i said that, i love it when she looks at me like that, it's so hot.

"Finally some normal pants, thanks bill you're a life saver i love you" i heard her say as she smiled at him and gave him a kiss on the forehead and walked out.

I felt a sinking feeling as i saw how she treated bill and how she treated me.

She loved him in a way she didn't love me..

..What if she didn't even love me at all?

As i was lost in thought, she walked out the bathroom and put her hands on my shoulders and whispered into my ear.

"Let's go to bed Tommy im tired" she said into my ear, i felt the hairs on my back stand as her breath hit my neck.

"Yes Nessa let's go to my room since you want me sooo bad" i said in a sarcastic way as i smiled at her, she smiled back and spoke up "Hmm i don't know about that" she said shrugging as she hopped over to my room and then on to my bed.

"How many girls have you had here?" she suddenly asked making my head turn "Well um i wish it wasn't so many but sadly there's a lot" i said as i layer down next to her, even with a huge XL shirt and basketball shorts she still looked good, i need her.

She sighed and looked at me, "So i'm not special?" She said making me confused, "You're special to me" i said smiling at her, "I don't believe that but goodnight" she said as she kissed my cheek, very close to my lips.

So close..

I admired her as she looked so beautiful with her eyes closed like that.

I wish she could understand how special she is to me.

As we fell asleep next to eachother i couldn't help but to feel at peace.

As i woke up in the morning, i didn't see Nessa next to me, i was looking around for her and didn't find her anywhere.

I started freaking out and called her, but there was no answer on the other line..

I quickly got dressed and went to my car and drove to her house.

As i got to the door i saw Tony answer it, "What do you want bro it's 9 am" he said in an annoyed tone, "I want to see Nessa" i said giving him attitude, "Well she doesn't want to see your goofy ass" he barked back, i was getting really annoyed by him at this point, "If you don't let me-" i got cut off my Nessas voice..

"Hey guys what's going on?" she said casually, almost too casually..

"Your friend is making me pretty mad right now" i said with annoyance written all over

We walked to her room and i saw many posters of me and my band, i even saw a small picture of me in her vanity with a heart on it.. she totally wants me.

She sat on her bed and was looking up at me, i went over and sat next to her as she spoke up, "Listen Tom, i really like you and you're a sweetheart but i'm honestly not sure if i'm ready for a relationship, i'm still healing from John.." she said looking down, "I understand my love, i will be waiting for you" i said as i moved a piece of hair from her face.

I could see in her eyes that she was heartbroken, and it also broke my heart to see her like this.

"Thank you Tom" she said as she hugged me, then we heard something hit her window, i walked over to the window to see HIM..

Fucking shit.

John was there throwing rocks at the window trying to get Nessa's attention, seriously what did she see in him he's so ugly.

I opened the window and yelled "Hey buddy, what's your problem why are you throwing rocks at her window? She clearly doesn't want to see you." i said out the window, "Who the fuck are you" he yelled, "I'm her boyfriend you loser go away and go back to Florida, you came all the way over here like a dumbass just to get rejected" i said as i saw him getting mad, he started walking away back to his car and drove off.

"Well that's taken care of, i'm sure he won't come back" i said to Nessa as i kissed her cheek goodbye.

I was wrong.

As i left the house i could feel eyes on me but i just ignored it since i thought i was being paranoid.

I got in my car and saw a car following me, i thought that was strange but i was used to it and thought it was just paparazzi.

Oh how wrong i was..

I got inside my house and still felt a heavy presence on me, then as i was making my way to my room i heard a loud banging on my door, i ran back downstairs and saw a note stuck to my door.

"I don't think you know me Tom Kaulitz, but i know you, if you don't break up with Vanessa Marie Ruiz i will have to take matters into my own hands, i'm from Florida not Germany, and in Florida we do things differently, so watch your back.."

hey guys so sorry for the inactivity but i will be more active, also there's going to be a lot of crazy things happening next chapter so stay tuned~
𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞, 𝐕.𝐕 ✿-*

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐑𝐨𝐜𝐤 - Tom kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now