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"Well, my boyfriend's in a band, he plays guitar while I sing Lou Reed
I've got feathers in my hair.."


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ALL NIGHT i thought about her, her kiss was like no other, i've kissed many women before but none of them made me feel this way, she was special.. she wasn't like the others..

i thought about her so much that i found myself grabbing my phone and dialing her number, the phone on the other line rang but no answer, maybe she's sleeping, i thought to myself as i checked the time and noticed it was 4 am.

I'll just text her and see what happens.

today at 4:37 AM

hello vanessa i'm sorry to bother you so late at night but i can't stop thinking about you, i just want to feel your lips against mine once more, your kiss was like no other, i've never felt this way about anyone and i don't understand why i feel this way... i just want you. And i know you might be sleeping but once you wake up please text me i want to see you.


I woke up and saw Tony was still sleeping next to me, i got up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and do my usual routine.

I was hungover from yesterday and felt sick.

I didn't have the energy to make breakfast so i just ate some cereal, i wasn't planning on doing anything so i just grabbed my phone and sat on the couch, as i sat on the couch i felt like checking my phone and noticed toms text..

I couldn't believe what i was seeing, i thought i was dreaming, THE ONE AND ONLY TOM KAULITZ WANTS ME?! i was going crazy but i decided to call him.


As soon as i called him he answered.

damn that was quick.

"Nessa i've been waiting for your call" he said "Yea i'm sorry for what happened yesterday i know it's akward now." i said nervously, gripping onto the blanket on top of me. "It doesn't have to be, can i please see you, i want to talk." he said in a calm voice, almost too calm.. "Okay.." i replied, hesitant. "Great, i'll pick you up at 7:30, im taking you to a nice restaurant so get into your nicest dress." he said in a weird voice. "Okay great i'll see you then" i said as i quickly hung up.

I was freaking out, i couldn't believe i had a date with THE ONE AND ONLY TOM KAULITZ...

I was freaking out pacing around the living room when i heard a voice.

"What the fuck are you doing Vanessa" said Tony while laughing at me, he stopped laughing as he saw the concerned look on my face. "What's wrong?" he asked scared of my reply.

"I'm going on a date with Tom.. tonight..." i said still extremely nervous, he started laughing "i can't believe you made me worry for that, it's not that serious you guys will probably eat talk and fuck so what?" Tony said still laughing, he clearly didn't get it.

"Anthony." i said sternly. "Look at what he texted me.." i said as i showed him my phone.

"Holy shit this dudes inlove" he said chuckling. "I need you to help me, i have to look amazing for this date." i said looking at him. "Well let's go to the mall, we gotta go shopping." he said as we both hurried to get dressed.

As soon as we got to the mall we were ruing around trying on dresses.

Until we finally found IT.

The perfect dress..

"Woah" Tony said looking at me as i smiled and twirled, "I think i want this one!" i said happily while i had a huge smile on my face. "That dress looks amazing on you, we're totally getting you that one." Tony said smiling at me and giving me a thumbs up.

That's my best friend <3

Soon after we were at home and i was getting ready, Tony was there helping me with my hair and giving me advice on what to do.

I've never really been on a dinner date like this, this is all happening so quick!

After i was done getting ready i turned to Tony and he looked like he was about to cry, "Are you about to cry?!" i said laughing at him, "I'm just so proud of you" he said holding back tears "Oh god don't start with your big brother talk, i'll be fine don't cry!" i said smiling holding back my laughter.

After i was done getting ready i turned to Tony and he looked like he was about to cry, "Are you about to cry?!" i said laughing at him, "I'm just so proud of you" he said holding back tears "Oh god don't start with your big brother talk, i'll be ...

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I heard the doorbell ring, it must be him.

I went over to the doorbell opening it nervously as i saw him there, with a bouquet of flowers on his hands.

I was suprised that this known playboy was acting like such a lover boy.

"You look to die for." he said while looking me up and down. "Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself!" i said as i smiled at him and followed him to his car.

I have to admit, i was flattered..

On the way to the restaurant, it was kind of akward as i didn't know what to say or do, but i could see that he was trying to not make the atmosphere feel akward.

Once we got there he opened the door for me and we walked hand in hand, leaving the bouquet in the car.

When we walked in all eyes were on us, i forgot for a second we were both famous.

Silly me.

As we sat down i thought about everything, and i decided to tell him it wasn't time, and i wasn't ready for a relationship at the moment as i didn't know him that well. And i didn't just want to be a one-night-stand, i wanted to be much more than that, i wanted to be something he couldn't easily have.

But as i thought about this i saw paparazzi.. oh no.

1k words
hey guys so i know i left you guys on a cliffhanger (again) but just know theres going to be more drama next chapter, the tea is stirring if you know what i mean hehe
𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞, 𝐕.𝐕 ✿-*

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐑𝐨𝐜𝐤 - Tom kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now