The Popular Girl Ch.1 (Picture of Addison!)

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I grabbed my backpack and swung it over my shoulder, it was heavy but i didn't let go of it. instead i just stared up at the big unfamiliar house. It was huge, ugly and huge. My mom promised she would fix it up nicely like on one of those extreme makeover home edition shows on HGTV. My little sister, Izzy, skipped up next to me.

“Addi, lets go inside!” she screeched pulling me torwards the house. for a five year old she was pretty strong. 

“I told you. Here im not going by ‘Addi’ anymore, its Addison now.” I told her even though she wasn't listening. i figured if i used my full name, Addison, it made me sound more mature and smarter. Izzy finally pulled me through the doorway and the house was hideous. It had a huge ugly brown wooden staircase, and the floor boards creaked when i stepped on them. My mother burst through the door carrying a box overflowing with paper, since she's an author.

“So much potential this house has, so much Addi!” she sang looking around smiling.

“Its Addison.” I grumbled. I know i shouldn't be mean to her because of this house, i mean i know it will look good in the end but i just wanted a nice long bubble bath and to go to sleep.

“Im sorry honey,” she said looking sincere. My mother was really still a kid at heart, she didn't boss me around and tries to actually understand what i tell her, im pretty much open with her about everything. “Well how about you go pick out your room, the biggest one is the last one on the right, upstairs. You better hurry and get to it!” she says winking at me and carrying the box into another room.

I raced up the stairs to the last room on the right, ‘good,’ i thought, ‘Izzy isn't hasn't found this room yet.’

I looked around the room, my bed has already been brought here thanks to the moving company but my TV is not here yet, my mom warned me of that. The ceiling was high, and my mom was right, this room was very big. I pictured it once i got my desk, laptop, and TV in here. I could seriously see myself loving it. Maybe moving wouldn't be so terrible after all. I put my backpack on the bed and shut my door. I unzipped my backpack and pulled out my jean cutoffs and an old teeshirt from when Me Izzy, and mom went to Silver Dollar City. I threw my hair up in a ponytail and ran downstairs, already running over Izzy in the process. She look a little shook up as she steadied herself. 

“Want to go look at the backyard? we can go play tag!” Izzy just discovered the game ‘tag’ in kindergarden and has me playing it all the time. 

“Not right now, later, okay? Im going to go for a walk.” She started to look sad for half a second but soon recovered.

“Can i come on your walk with you?” she asked bouncing up and down on the tips of her toes.

“Not this time Iz.” i said walking past her and out the door, i knew she’d get over it quickly and ask mom to go and play tag with her.

I drug my feet along the concrete of our driveway and tried to decide which way i should go, left or right. i chose right. i started walking, and humming along as i went. Eventually i started to sing, something i only do when i’m alone. I’ve never sang for anyone and surely not a crowd, only my mom. 

As i sang i thought about all of my friends back home, and my best friend, Kayla. I got a little teary seeing as how i was now 100 miles away from her, but quickly recovering, trying to tell myself that here i would have a whole new start and make twice as many friends. I sang a little bit louder, happy now.

“You’re a really good singer.” i jumped slowing turning around to see who was talking to me. This is how kids get kidnapped, walking alone in an unknown neighborhood. i tried to shake that thought out of my head. when i turned around i saw a boy, my age. He was a little taller than me, which is a shock because i’m 5’7 and tower over pretty much everyone in my grade back home. He had blonde hair which was gelled up just a little. 

“Um, you heard that?” i could feel the heat rising up in my cheeks. He smiled at me.

“Yeah, that was amazing. You could be on American Idol or something,” he said making me laugh, “Do you sing in a band or a quire or something?”

“Er, no. No ones ever heard me sing. Well, except for my mom, because we’re really close...” i started babbling, probably boring him to death, but when i looked up at him, he was staring at me intently like he wanted to know what i was going to say next. I smiled, apologizing with my eyes for babbling so much. 

“Well you really should think about letting everyone hear you sing. Its a great talent you’ve got. Im Luke,” he told me smiling, he had a really nice smile, like one that makes you feel so comfortable that you would want to tell him all of your secrets. But i wouldn't, of course, i don't even know him.

“Im Addison. I just moved in down the street.” should i have told him that? what if he is a kidnapper? ‘addison,’ i told myself, ‘chill out, he’s only your age, quit being so paranoid!’

“Oh well i live right there,” he said motioning to the cute little white house next to us with a basketball goal in the driveway. “Well since you’re new... If you want me and my friends were going to the mall and arcade tonight, you can come if you want to...” well maybe this is the start i need to make some new friends!

“Sure, that’ll be cool. my mom wont mind, and as long as i get to get out of the ancient house...” i trailed off and he started laughing.

“Cool, so I’ll be around to your house at 5, the malls only about a 15 minute walk away from the neighborhood.” He smiled, i smiled back. he started to walk back to his driveway and i turned to head back to my house to tell my mom that i was going somewhere tonight with a new friend.

I turned around at the exact same time Luke did, he smiled again and waved before opening the door to his house.

I kept walking towards my house, which was about five minutes away from his. I imagined me telling Kayla about all of this whenever i got home and IM’d her. Im sure she’d string something out and make it seem like me and luke liked each other, but i didnt mind.

That was just the “kayla-way”, she loved to make everything sounded like one of the romance novels she’s always reading. Sometimes it was annoying, but most of the time i liked to imagine it with her, thinking about if someone wrote a book about me, Addison Campbell. 

I smiled, well maybe one day i can write my own book about myself. But before i do that, i have to make something exciting happen.


I hope everyone liked this chapter, i’m kind of going at this book with a different angle. I’m trying to write this from a young teens point of view not and older teens point of view. I don't know how its going to work but an idea is forming, slowly but surely! Maybe next chapter i might add a picture of Addison...    Thanks! -Ali

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